Difference in number of Excel NewsGroups


Hari Prasadh


If I go to http://support.microsoft.com/newsgroups/?pr=956 and then navigate
to English - Office - Excel I get 12 Newsgroups, the same as in my Outlook
express (Excel General Questions, Excel New users, Excel, Excel 123 Quattro,
Excel Application Errors, Excel Charts, Excel Links, Excel Macintosh, Excel
Printing, Excel Programming, Excel Setup, Excel Worksheet Functions)

But If I go to
http://www.microsoft.com/office/community/en-us/FlyoutOverview.mspx#2 I get
7 newsgroups (General Questions, New Users, Application Errors , Charts ,
Setup , Programming , Worksheet Functions )

Why is there a difference?

Thanks a lot,

Bob Phillips

Connect directly to a news server, and cut out the middleman (who might not
make them all available)



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

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