did I hurt the capacitors?



I bought a P4 CPU/ mainboard at Frys here in vegas and plugged it into my
P3 case and, as I later found out, it would not work becaue the PS is not
designed for it.

So I went to PCClub, where I bought most of the last machine, and which was
on the way home anyway, and asked about getting a new power supply. Well,
the case didn't add much to the cost so I bought a new case and PS, a
codegen something or other, reg 69.99 mgr special that day at 55 plus tax.

Well I hooked up all the stuff and it all works fine. So, did I damage
anything. the PCclub guy told me in all likelihood the mainboard and CPU
were ruined.

But it is working as evidenced by the message I'm typing on it right now.
But the guy said the capacitors would be fried.

Well, what do you experts think?? Thanks.


I bought a P4 CPU/ mainboard at Frys here in vegas and plugged it into my
P3 case and, as I later found out, it would not work becaue the PS is not
designed for it.

So I went to PCClub, where I bought most of the last machine, and which was
on the way home anyway, and asked about getting a new power supply. Well,
the case didn't add much to the cost so I bought a new case and PS, a
codegen something or other, reg 69.99 mgr special that day at 55 plus tax.

Well I hooked up all the stuff and it all works fine. So, did I damage
anything. the PCclub guy told me in all likelihood the mainboard and CPU
were ruined.

But it is working as evidenced by the message I'm typing on it right now.
But the guy said the capacitors would be fried.

Well, what do you experts think?? Thanks.
I think the guy at PC Club is a moron.


Conor said:
I think the guy at PC Club is a moron.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the only difference between a PS for a P4
and a PIII the 2x2 twelve volt line?


David Maynard

ModeratelyConfused said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the only difference between a PS for a P4
and a PIII the 2x2 twelve volt line?


A P4 PSU will, generally, also have more power capacity on the 12 volt rail
and, because of that, a P3 PSU will often not have enough to power a P4
even if one has an adapter.


No. It just won't start the P4 because of the missing
connector. If the supply is 250 watts or better, and
you get a P4 adapter for one of the 4 pin connectors,
that will work fine.



billb said:
I bought a P4 CPU/ mainboard at Frys here in vegas and plugged it into my
P3 case and, as I later found out, it would not work becaue the PS is not
designed for it.

So I went to PCClub, where I bought most of the last machine, and which was
on the way home anyway, and asked about getting a new power supply. Well,
the case didn't add much to the cost so I bought a new case and PS, a
codegen something or other, reg 69.99 mgr special that day at 55 plus tax.

Well I hooked up all the stuff and it all works fine. So, did I damage
anything. the PCclub guy told me in all likelihood the mainboard and CPU
were ruined.

He's a twit. Don't ever trust retail staff at those places.
But it is working as evidenced by the message I'm typing on it right now.
But the guy said the capacitors would be fried.

Why? Because your old PSU didn't have a little 4 pin plug? The guy was a
Well, what do you experts think?? Thanks.

spammage trappage: replace fishies_ with yahoo

I'm going to die rather sooner than I'd like. I tried to protect my
neighbours from crime, and became the victim of it. Complications in
hospital following this resulted in a serious illness. I now need a bone
marrow transplant. Many people around the world are waiting for a marrow
transplant, too. Please volunteer to be a marrow donor:

larry moe 'n curly

billb said:
I bought a P4 CPU/ mainboard at Frys here in vegas and plugged
it into my P3 case and, as I later found out, it would not work
becaue the PS is not designed for it.

So I went to PCClub,
and asked about getting a new power supply.
I bought a new case and PS, a codegen something or other,
reg 69.99 mgr special that day at 55 plus tax.

Well I hooked up all the stuff and it all works fine. So, did
I damage anything. the PCclub guy told me in all likelihood
the mainboard and CPU were ruined.

The PCClub guy also sold you a (eeech!) Codegen PSU, one of the worst
out there, and for $55 you can often get a quality PSU and case (or a
cheap case & PSU and a quality PSU to replace it). A good 350W PSU is
usually better than a cheapo 550W.

The only damage that running a P4 style mobo from a P3 style PSU can do
is cause the pin for the yellow +12V wire on the 20-pin mobo connector
to melt or char because of too much current flowing through it.


The PCClub guy also sold you a (eeech!) Codegen PSU, one of the worst
out there,

we're lambs to the slaughter out here.

and for $55 you can often get a quality PSU and case (or a
cheap case & PSU and a quality PSU to replace it).


larry moe 'n curly

billb said:
and for $55 you can often get a quality PSU and case (or a


Didn't Fry's have an Antec for about that price? Otherwise try
Newegg.com or Dealsonic.com for a cheap case and Newegg.com or
Directron.com for a good Fortron-Source PSU (Sparkle, Hi-Q, PowerQ).

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