DFS Link replica sets.


Dale Wyman

Is it possible to have a Link Replica set automatically
replicate files/folders when the link points to a share on
a Windows 4.0 Domain file server when the DFS Root is on a
Windows 2000 Active Directory Domain in which a TRUST has
been established with the NT4.0 Domain??

Must LINK REPLICA SETS be cerated between locations in the
same Domain??


Dale Wyman


I can't speak to dfs root morphing if you try to replicate roots but I can
say that the only way to make it reliable seems to be replicating links
under the root. That is, make a dfs rot and then under that root make a
link. Then select the link and make a new target for the link. This works
fairly well with some caveats.

I tried replicating dfs roots directly and found some real weirdness - even
worse than replicating links under a root. It's no wonder that MS themselves
recommend products like NSI DoubleTake over FRS for real replication jobs.

Tim Springston \(MSFT\)

Hi Dale, Sue-

The DFS FRS replica sets (the group of DFS replicas that transfer data
amongst each other) is information which is stored in AD. This is why we
only have file replication for domain-based DFS. This is also why file
replication between an NT4-based target for a replica link can not replicate
data (and will not behave right at best otherwise).

Also, we do not recommend replicating from the root, as Sue indicated you
may end up with erratic behavior when you do.

We also have a new newsgroup for these issues. Please post to it instead
in the future: microsoft.public.windows.server.dfs_frs.

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