Detecting is hyperthreading is enabled with WMI?


David Holcomb

Is there any way to do this with WMI? Perhaps, even, a way to query for the
number of logical versus physical CPUs? Perhaps something stored in the
registry? Or some way to query for the number of "licensed PHYSICAL
processors" (which, if different from the number of processors enumerated by
Win32_Processor would indicate a form of hyperthreading is enabled).

David Holcomb

Torgeir Bakken \(MVP\)

David said:
Is there any way to do this with WMI? Perhaps, even, a way to query for the
number of logical versus physical CPUs? Perhaps something stored in the
registry? Or some way to query for the number of "licensed PHYSICAL
processors" (which, if different from the number of processors enumerated by
Win32_Processor would indicate a form of hyperthreading is enabled).

You will not be able to use WMI to detect if hyperthreading is enabled
and I don't know any other script method either that will do it.

From: Steve Lee [MSFT] ([email protected])
Subject: Re: hyperthreading oddity
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.win32.programmer.wmi
Date: 2003-03-03 13:32:05 PST

This is a known issue. WMI is currently not hyperthreading aware and
simply reports what the OS is reporting.

David Holcomb

It is too bad that WMI does not give this info. Since I was also having
trouble with the Win32_Processor.Family returning what seemed to be
incorrect information, I looked into the possiblity of getting my own
results from the CPUID instruction from VBScript. It seems that if you
execute CPUID function 1 you can look at EBX bits 16-23 (or more
appropriately bits 23-16) if the HTT bit is set (bit 28) and the CPUID
function 0 returned GenuineIntel in the EBX/EDX/ECX registers.

I went to the Intel and AMD sites for how to execute the CPUID instruction.
Then I wrapped it in a little C program to display the CPUID functions and
all the register results like this:


The program basically executes the first basic/standard CPUID function,
checks EAX and enumerates all available standard functions. Then it
executes the first extended CPUID function, checks EAX and
enumerates/executes all extended functions. This program does not attempt
to decode all the results, the idea was that some script could parse the
output and do its own decoding.

I took my simple binary and encoded it into a VBScript which can decode and
execute cpuidx86.exe, storing the output into several arrays. It is not
very pretty, perhaps I will improve on it. But I thought this might be an
interesting way to solve the problem of detecting if hyperthreading is
enabled, identify the processor with the family/model/stepping and cache
information, and possibly also leverage other useful information returned
from various CPUID functions. To decode everything, much much more would
have to be done to the script. At the moment I am only interested in
identifying if hyperthreading is enabled (and the number of physical CPUs),
and identifying the processor correctly.

Some similar CPUID programs will also calculate the processor speed. I
didn't implement that. It is another thing I might improve on later.

Unlike WMI, this script cannot enumerate this data on a remote machine using
security credentials. It has to run on the local machine (it uses WMI and
standard WSH objects). However, if the script already exists on the remote
computer, you might be able to do a Win32_Process.Create() to invoke the
script (or binary) on the remote computer. But then you still might have to
find a way to get the CPUID data back to your local computer if that is
where you want to process the results. I haven't solved all that stuff yet,
I'm taking this one step at a time. Eventually I would like to be able to
query for this data on a remote computer. I suppose there is a possibility
of creating and registering my own WMI provider that collects this data.
That would open up the possibility to query this data remotely as I would
like, but you would have to register the provider on all clients first.
That doesn't sound like a good solution to me, I would rather simply ensure
a program or script exists on a remote computer and invoke it remotely,
finding some other way to get the data back from the remote computer.

If anyone knows of a way to execute a process on a remote computer through
WMI and get its stdout (sstandard output, like from a batch file or this
cpuidx86.exe), please give me some suggestions.

I really wish WMI had the ability to return this same basic data from the
processor. I mean, I wish through the Win32_Processor class you could
simply query for the results from each CPUID function. Then, even if
Win32_Processor did not provide all the CPU properties you cared about, you
could still interpret the data for yourself. Currently WMI does provide
Win32_Processor.ProcessorId, but it only contains the EAX and EDX results
from CPUID standard function 1.

Here is my first attempt to solve this problem. It is not complete as it
probably does not work on Cyrix chips, and the CPUID part won't work on
AMD64 or IA64 machines. Still, I think this is going to work for most of my
purposes. Feel free to reply to me directly with comments, criticisms and
bugs (mailto:[email protected]).

The output will look like this (select a fixed size font to view it aligned

C:\cpuid>cscript //nologo cpuinfo.vbs
---------------------------- Processor
Information: ---------------------------
| CPU: AMD Athlon(TM) XP 1900+, 1.6 Ghz (1 proc)
| Architecture: x86
| CPUID Info:
| Function EAX EBX ECX EDX
| ======== ======== ======== ======== ========
| 00000000 00000001 68747541 444D4163 69746E65
| 00000001 00000662 00000000 00000000 0383FBFF
| 80000000 80000008 68747541 444D4163 69746E65
| 80000001 00000762 00000000 00000000 C1C3FBFF
| 80000002 20444D41 6C687441 54286E6F 5820294D
| 80000003 39312050 002B3030 00000000 00000000
| 80000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
| 80000005 0408FF08 FF20FF10 40020140 40020140
| 80000006 00000000 41004100 01008140 00000000
| 80000007 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001
| 80000008 00002022 00000000 00000000 00000000

Copy/paste the script below into a file called cpuinfo.vbs, then run
"cscript //nologo cpuinfo.vbs".

============================== CUT HERE ==================================

szComputerName = "."
set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
set WMIService_CIMV2 =
GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & szComputerName &

call DisplayProcessorInfo()

WScript.Quit 0

' = Subroutine: DisplayProcessorInfo
' =
' = Purpose:
Public Sub DisplayProcessorInfo
dim TotalProcessors
dim ProcessorSet, Processor
dim ClockSpeed, Name, Family, Architecture
dim ArchitectureString

call PrintTitleSeparator("Processor Information:")
call PrintBlankLineWithBorder

TotalProcessors = 0
set ProcessorSet = WMIService_CIMV2.ExecQuery ("select * from
for each Processor in ProcessorSet
TotalProcessors = TotalProcessors + 1
' CurrentClockSpeed can apparently report different results,
especially if using a laptop
' with Intel SpeedStep technology, so we use MaxClockSpeed
ClockSpeed = Processor.MaxClockSpeed
Name = LTrim(Processor.Name)
if (Right(Name, Len(" processor")) = " processor") then Name =
Left(Name, Len(Name) - Len(" processor"))
Family = Processor.Family
Architecture = Processor.Architecture

if (ClockSpeed >= 1000) then
call PrintFormattedLine(" CPU: " & Name & ", " &
FormatNumber(Round(ClockSpeed/1000.0, 2), 1) & " Ghz (" & TotalProcessors &
" proc)")
call PrintFormattedLine(" CPU: " & Name & ", " &
ClockSpeed & " Mhz (" & TotalProcessors & " proc)")
end if

ArchitectureString = ArchitectureToString(Architecture)
call PrintFormattedLine(" Architecture: " & ArchitectureString)

if (ArchitectureString = "x86") then
call QueryCPUIDx86()
end if

call PrintBlankLineWithBorder
call PrintSeparator

set ProcessorSet = Nothing

End Sub 'DisplayProcessorInfo


Public Sub QueryCPUIDx86
dim PathToCPUIDx86EXE
dim CPUIDFunctions_Array()
dim EAX_Array(), EBX_Array()
dim ECX_Array(), EDX_Array()


' Decodes CPUIDx86.EXE from this script and returns full path
CPUIDx86EXEPath = GetCPUIDx86EXEPath()

' Executes CPUIDx86.EXE and returns CPUID function result
' in arrays
call ExecuteCPUID(CPUIDx86EXEPath, _
CPUIDFunctions_Array, _
EAX_Array, _
EBX_Array, _
ECX_Array, _

call DisplayCPUID(CPUIDFunctions_Array, _
EAX_Array, _
EBX_Array, _
ECX_Array, _

End Sub 'QueryCPUIDx86

Public Sub ExecuteCPUID(CPUIDEXEPath, _
CPUIDFunctions_Array, _
EAX_Array, _
EBX_Array, _
ECX_Array, _

dim lines
dim TextLine

set WshScriptExec = WshShell.Exec(CPUIDEXEPath)

lines = 0
while Not WshScriptExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream

TextLine = WshScriptExec.StdOut.ReadLine
call ParseCPUIDOutput(TextLine, _
CPUIDFunctions_Array(lines), _
EAX_Array(lines), _
EBX_Array(lines), _
ECX_Array(lines), _

lines = lines + 1


lines = lines - 1

' Trim down array sizes so LBound and UBound work
redim preserve CPUIDFunctions_Array(lines)
redim preserve EAX_Array(lines)
redim preserve EBX_Array(lines)
redim preserve ECX_Array(lines)
redim preserve EDX_Array(lines)

End Sub 'ExecuteCPUID

Public Sub ParseCPUIDOutput(TextLine, _
CPUIDFunction, _
EAX, _
EBX, _
ECX, _
dim StartPos, EndPos
dim Length

' Format is:

StartPos = InStr(1, TextLine, ":", vbBinaryCompare) + 1
EndPos = Instr(StartPos, TextLine, ",", vbBinaryCompare)
Length = EndPos - StartPos
CPUIDFunction = Mid(TextLine, StartPos, Length)

StartPos = InStr(EndPos + 1, TextLine, ":", vbBinaryCompare) + 1
EndPos = Instr(StartPos, TextLine, ",", vbBinaryCompare)
Length = EndPos - StartPos
EAX = Mid(TextLine, StartPos, Length)

StartPos = InStr(EndPos + 1, TextLine, ":", vbBinaryCompare) + 1
EndPos = Instr(StartPos, TextLine, ",", vbBinaryCompare)
Length = EndPos - StartPos
EBX = Mid(TextLine, StartPos, Length)

StartPos = InStr(EndPos + 1, TextLine, ":", vbBinaryCompare) + 1
EndPos = Instr(StartPos, TextLine, ",", vbBinaryCompare)
Length = EndPos - StartPos
ECX = Mid(TextLine, StartPos, Length)

StartPos = InStr(EndPos + 1, TextLine, ":", vbBinaryCompare) + 1
Length = Len(TextLine) - StartPos + 1
EDX = Mid(TextLine, StartPos, Length)

End Sub ' ParseCPUIDOutput

Public Sub DisplayCPUID(CPUIDFunctions_Array, _
EAX_Array, _
EBX_Array, _
ECX_Array, _

call PrintBlankLineWithBorder
call PrintFormattedLine(" CPUID Info:")
' call PrintBlankLineWithBorder
call PrintFormattedLine(PadChar(" ", 22) & _
"Function " & _
" EAX " & _
" EBX " & _
" ECX " & _
" EDX")
call PrintFormattedLine(PadChar(" ", 22) & _
"======== " & _
"======== " & _
"======== " & _
"======== " & _
dim i
for i = LBound(CPUIDFunctions_Array) to UBound (CPUIDFunctions_Array)
call PrintFormattedLine(PadChar(" ", 22) & _
CPUIDFunctions_Array(i) & " " & _
EAX_Array(i) & " " & _
EBX_Array(i) & " " & _
ECX_Array(i) & " " & _

End Sub ' DisplayCPUID

Public Sub DecodeCPUIDx86EXE
dim ScriptName

ScriptName = WScript.ScriptFullName

End Sub 'DecodeCPUIDx86EXE

' = Function: ArchitectureToString
' =
' = Purpose: Returns textual representation of the processor Architecture
Public Function ArchitectureToString(Architecture)

select case Architecture
case 0
ArchitectureString = "x86"
case 1
ArchitectureString = "MIPS"
case 2
ArchitectureString = "Alpha"
case 3
ArchitectureString = "PowerPC"
case 6
ArchitectureString = "ia64"
case else
ArchitectureString = "Unknown" & " (" & CStr(Architecture) & ")"
end select

ArchitectureToString = ArchitectureString

End Function 'ArchitectureToString

' = Subroutine: PrintTitleSeparator
' =
' = Purpose: Centers a given title string between an equal number of hyphens
' = on either side of the string, forming a 79 character line of text.
' = Intended to be used as a title or header of a formatted block of text.
Public Sub PrintTitleSeparator(Str)
Len_Str = Len(Str)
if ((Len_Str / 2) <> (Len_Str \ 2)) then
Len_Str = Len_Str + 1
Str = Str + " "
end if
WScript.Echo PadChar("-", (79-Len_Str)/2) & " " & Str & " " &
PadChar("-", (79 - Len_Str-2)/2)
End Sub 'PrintTitleSeparator

' = Function: PrintSeparator
' =
' = Purpose: Displays 79 character line of hyphens to be used as a separator
' = line
Public Sub PrintSeparator
WScript.Echo PadChar("-", 79)
End Sub 'PrintSeparator

' = Function: PrintBlankLineWithBorder
' =
' = Purpose: Displays 79 character line of text with a vertical bar in the
' = leftmost and rightmost position. This is used to print a blank line
' = of text in combination with the other Print*Separator formatting
' = subroutines.
Public Sub PrintBlankLineWithBorder
WScript.Echo "|" & PadChar(" ", 77) & "|"
End Sub 'PrintBlankLineWithBorrder

' = Function: PrintFormattedLine
' =
' = Purpose: Similar to PrintTitleSeparator, but left-justifies text within
' = 79 character line of characters and places a vertical bar in the
' = and rightmost position
Public Sub PrintFormattedLine(Str)
Str = "| " & Str
WScript.Echo Str & PadChar(" ", 78-Len(Str)) & "|"
End Sub 'PrintLine

' = Function: PadChar
' =
' = Purpose: Creates a string which consists of one particular character and
' = specified length. This is meant to be used to help format output which
' = meant to be displayed in a columnar format.
' =
' = Example:
' = WScript.Echo "JobID" & PadChar(" ", 20 - Len("JobID")) & "Status" & _
' = PadChar(" ", 15 - Len("Status")) & "Priority"
' =
' = The above would create three columns of output. The first column is 20
' = chars wide, the second is 15. The three headings are "JobID", "Status",
' = and "Priority".
Function PadChar(char, length)
dim str
dim i

str = ""
for i = 1 to length
str = str + char

PadChar = str
End Function

const ForWriting = 2
const TristateUseDefault = 1
const TristateTrue = -1
const TristateFalse = 0

Function GetCPUIDx86EXEPath()
dim StringCPUIDx86EXE

StringCPUIDx86EXE = _
00000" & _
15468" & _
D0D0A" & _
B4B4E" & _
00000" & _
00F01" & _
20000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
60000" & _
70000" & _
00000" & _
53038" & _
53038" & _
54944" & _
20001" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
72E36" & _
8365C" & _
0C745" & _
94DF4" & _
DC214" & _
41000" & _
01000" & _
3C4DC" & _
38B65" & _
F8B45" & _
4508B" & _
5E03B" & _
B4DD8" & _
83EFE" & _
10000" & _
DE051" & _
4890D" & _
00181" & _
0EB2A" & _
5C189" & _
42000" & _
00001" & _
00001" & _
00168" & _
BF089" & _
00000" & _
000C3" & _
30000" & _
B45F8" & _
95F5E" & _
00000" & _
60000" & _
70000" & _
05F65" & _
86370" & _
07000" & _
D6174" & _
08800" & _
46C6C" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
640BB" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
00000" & _
dim BinFile
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set f = fso.CreateTextFile("cpuidx86.exe")

filelen = Len(StringCPUIDx86EXE)

for i = 1 to filelen step 2
while ((i <= filelen) And (IsWhiteSpace(Mid(StringCPUIDx86EXE, i,
i = i + 1

if (i <= filelen) then
BinFile = BinFile & Chr(HexStringToInt(Mid(StringCPUIDx86EXE, i,
end if

call f.Write(BinFile)
call f.Close()

GetCPUIDx86EXEPath = fso.GetAbsolutePathName("cpuidx86.exe")

set f = Nothing
set fso = Nothing

End Function 'GetCPUIDx86EXEPath

Public Function IsWhiteSpace(char)
dim result
if (Len(char) = 0) then
result = false
elseif (Asc(char) < 32) then
result = True
result = False
end if
IsWhiteSpace = result
End Function

Public Function HexStringToInt(hexstring)
dim i, dblval, hexchar, hexval
' Hex is treated as unsigned for the conversion, so
' use CDbl
dblval = CDbl(0)
for i = 1 to Len(hexstring)
hexchar = Mid(hexstring, i, 1)
if (IsNumeric(hexchar)) then
hexval = CLng(Mid(hexstring, i, 1))
hexval = 10 + CLng(Asc(UCase(Mid(hexstring, i, 1))) - Asc("A"))
end if
dblval = CDbl(dblval*16) + CDbl(hexval)
HexStringToInt = dblval
End Function
============================== END CUT ==================================

Torgeir Bakken (MVP) said:
David said:
Is there any way to do this with WMI? Perhaps, even, a way to query for the
number of logical versus physical CPUs? Perhaps something stored in the
registry? Or some way to query for the number of "licensed PHYSICAL
processors" (which, if different from the number of processors enumerated by
Win32_Processor would indicate a form of hyperthreading is enabled).

You will not be able to use WMI to detect if hyperthreading is enabled
and I don't know any other script method either that will do it.

From: Steve Lee [MSFT] ([email protected])
Subject: Re: hyperthreading oddity
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.win32.programmer.wmi
Date: 2003-03-03 13:32:05 PST

This is a known issue. WMI is currently not hyperthreading aware and
simply reports what the OS is reporting.

torgeir, Microsoft MVP Scripting and WMI, Porsgrunn Norway
Administration scripting examples and an ONLINE version of
the 1328 page Scripting Guide:

David Holcomb

[Sorry for re-post, the last time I replied Outlook Express was configured to ]
[truncate or wrap my lines at 76 characters.]
[Plus, posting in HTML format wreaks havoc on your ability to copy/paste the]
[text directly into a text file. So I am re-posting as plain text.]
[Hope this works...]

It is too bad that WMI does not give this info. Since I was also having
trouble with the Win32_Processor.Family returning what seemed to be
incorrect information, I looked into the possiblity of getting my own
results from the CPUID instruction from VBScript. It seems that if you
execute CPUID function 1 you can look at EBX bits 16-23 (or more
appropriately bits 23-16) if the HTT bit is set (bit 28) and the CPUID
function 0 returned GenuineIntel in the EBX/EDX/ECX registers.

I went to the Intel and AMD sites for how to execute the CPUID instruction.
Then I wrapped it in a little C program to display the CPUID functions and
all the register results like this:


The program basically executes the first basic/standard CPUID function,
checks EAX and enumerates all available standard functions. Then it
executes the first extended CPUID function, checks EAX and
enumerates/executes all extended functions. This program does not attempt
to decode all the results, the idea was that some script could parse the
output and do its own decoding.

I took my simple binary and encoded it into a VBScript which can decode and
execute cpuidx86.exe, storing the output into several arrays. It is not
very pretty, perhaps I will improve on it. But I thought this might be an
interesting way to solve the problem of detecting if hyperthreading is
enabled, identify the processor with the family/model/stepping and cache
information, and possibly also leverage other useful information returned
from various CPUID functions. To decode everything, much much more would
have to be done to the script. At the moment I am only interested in
identifying if hyperthreading is enabled (and the number of physical CPUs),
and identifying the processor correctly.

Some similar CPUID programs will also calculate the processor speed. I
didn't implement that. It is another thing I might improve on later.

Unlike WMI, this script cannot enumerate this data on a remote machine using
security credentials. It has to run on the local machine (it uses WMI and
standard WSH objects). However, if the script already exists on the remote
computer, you might be able to do a Win32_Process.Create() to invoke the
script (or binary) on the remote computer. But then you still might have to
find a way to get the CPUID data back to your local computer if that is
where you want to process the results. I haven't solved all that stuff yet,
I'm taking this one step at a time. Eventually I would like to be able to
query for this data on a remote computer. I suppose there is a possibility
of creating and registering my own WMI provider that collects this data.
That would open up the possibility to query this data remotely as I would
like, but you would have to register the provider on all clients first.
That doesn't sound like a good solution to me, I would rather simply ensure
a program or script exists on a remote computer and invoke it remotely,
finding some other way to get the data back from the remote computer.

If anyone knows of a way to execute a process on a remote computer through
WMI and get its stdout (sstandard output, like from a batch file or this
cpuidx86.exe), please give me some suggestions.

I really wish WMI had the ability to return this same basic data from the
processor. I mean, I wish through the Win32_Processor class you could
simply query for the results from each CPUID function. Then, even if
Win32_Processor did not provide all the CPU properties you cared about, you
could still interpret the data for yourself. Currently WMI does provide
Win32_Processor.ProcessorId, but it only contains the EAX and EDX results
from CPUID standard function 1.

Here is my first attempt to solve this problem. It is not complete as it
probably does not work on Cyrix chips, and the CPUID part won't work on
AMD64 or IA64 machines. Still, I think this is going to work for most of my
purposes. Feel free to reply to me directly with comments, criticisms and
bugs (mailto:[email protected]).

The output will look like this (select a fixed size font to view it aligned

C:\cpuid>cscript //nologo cpuinfo.vbs
---------------------------- Processor Information: ---------------------------
| |
| CPU: AMD Athlon(TM) XP 1900+, 1.6 Ghz (1 proc) |
| Architecture: x86 |
| |
| CPUID Info: |
| Function EAX EBX ECX EDX |
| ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== |
| 00000000 00000001 68747541 444D4163 69746E65 |
| 00000001 00000662 00000000 00000000 0383FBFF |
| 80000000 80000008 68747541 444D4163 69746E65 |
| 80000001 00000762 00000000 00000000 C1C3FBFF |
| 80000002 20444D41 6C687441 54286E6F 5820294D |
| 80000003 39312050 002B3030 00000000 00000000 |
| 80000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |
| 80000005 0408FF08 FF20FF10 40020140 40020140 |
| 80000006 00000000 41004100 01008140 00000000 |
| 80000007 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001 |
| 80000008 00002022 00000000 00000000 00000000 |
| |

This output is from a Pentium 4 Xeon processor with Hyperthreading , or Hyper-
threading, enabled:

C:\cpuinfo>cscript cpuinfo.vbs
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved.

---------------------------- Processor Information: ---------------------------
| |
| CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz, 2.4 Ghz (2 proc) |
| Architecture: x86 |
| |
| CPUID Info: |
| Function EAX EBX ECX EDX |
| ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== |
| 00000000 00000002 756E6547 6C65746E 49656E69 |
| 00000001 00000F29 00020809 00004400 BFEBFBFF |
| 00000002 665B5001 00000000 00000000 007B7040 |
| 80000000 80000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 |
| 80000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |
| 80000002 20202020 20202020 20202020 6E492020 |
| 80000003 286C6574 50202952 69746E65 52286D75 |
| 80000004 20342029 20555043 30342E32 007A4847 |
| |

Copy/paste the script below into a file called cpuinfo.vbs, then run
"cscript //nologo cpuinfo.vbs".

=========================== CUT HERE ===========================
szComputerName = "."
set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
set WMIService_CIMV2 = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & szComputerName & "\root\cimv2")

call DisplayProcessorInfo()

WScript.Quit 0

' ============================================================================
' = Subroutine: DisplayProcessorInfo
' =
' = Purpose:
' ============================================================================
Public Sub DisplayProcessorInfo
dim TotalProcessors
dim ProcessorSet, Processor
dim ClockSpeed, Name, Family, Architecture
dim ArchitectureString

call PrintTitleSeparator("Processor Information:")
call PrintBlankLineWithBorder

TotalProcessors = 0
set ProcessorSet = WMIService_CIMV2.ExecQuery ("select * from Win32_Processor")
for each Processor in ProcessorSet
TotalProcessors = TotalProcessors + 1
' CurrentClockSpeed can apparently report different results,
' especially if using a laptop with Intel SpeedStep technology,
' so we use MaxClockSpeed
ClockSpeed = Processor.MaxClockSpeed
Name = LTrim(Processor.Name)
if (Right(Name, Len(" processor")) = " processor") then
Name = Left(Name, Len(Name) - Len(" processor"))
end if
Family = Processor.Family
Architecture = Processor.Architecture

if (ClockSpeed >= 1000) then
call PrintFormattedLine(" CPU: " & Name & ", " & _
FormatNumber(Round(ClockSpeed/1000.0, 2), 1) & _
" Ghz (" & TotalProcessors & " proc)")
call PrintFormattedLine(" CPU: " & Name & ", " & _
ClockSpeed & _
" Mhz (" & TotalProcessors & " proc)")
end if

ArchitectureString = ArchitectureToString(Architecture)
call PrintFormattedLine(" Architecture: " & ArchitectureString)

if (ArchitectureString = "x86") then
call QueryCPUIDx86()
end if

call PrintBlankLineWithBorder
call PrintSeparator

set ProcessorSet = Nothing

End Sub 'DisplayProcessorInfo


Public Sub QueryCPUIDx86
dim PathToCPUIDx86EXE
dim CPUIDFunctions_Array()
dim EAX_Array(), EBX_Array()
dim ECX_Array(), EDX_Array()


' Decodes CPUIDx86.EXE from this script and returns full path
CPUIDx86EXEPath = GetCPUIDx86EXEPath()

' Executes CPUIDx86.EXE and returns CPUID function result
' in arrays
call ExecuteCPUID(CPUIDx86EXEPath, _
CPUIDFunctions_Array, _
EAX_Array, _
EBX_Array, _
ECX_Array, _

call DisplayCPUID(CPUIDFunctions_Array, _
EAX_Array, _
EBX_Array, _
ECX_Array, _

End Sub 'QueryCPUIDx86

Public Sub ExecuteCPUID(CPUIDEXEPath, _
CPUIDFunctions_Array, _
EAX_Array, _
EBX_Array, _
ECX_Array, _

dim lines
dim TextLine

set WshScriptExec = WshShell.Exec(CPUIDEXEPath)

lines = 0
while Not WshScriptExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream

TextLine = WshScriptExec.StdOut.ReadLine
call ParseCPUIDOutput(TextLine, _
CPUIDFunctions_Array(lines), _
EAX_Array(lines), _
EBX_Array(lines), _
ECX_Array(lines), _

lines = lines + 1


lines = lines - 1

' Trim down array sizes so LBound and UBound work
redim preserve CPUIDFunctions_Array(lines)
redim preserve EAX_Array(lines)
redim preserve EBX_Array(lines)
redim preserve ECX_Array(lines)
redim preserve EDX_Array(lines)

End Sub 'ExecuteCPUID

Public Sub ParseCPUIDOutput(TextLine, _
CPUIDFunction, _
EAX, _
EBX, _
ECX, _
dim StartPos, EndPos
dim Length

' Format is:
' StandardFunction:00000000,EAX:00000001,EBX:68747541,ECX:444D4163,EDX:69746E65

StartPos = InStr(1, TextLine, ":", vbBinaryCompare) + 1
EndPos = Instr(StartPos, TextLine, ",", vbBinaryCompare)
Length = EndPos - StartPos
CPUIDFunction = Mid(TextLine, StartPos, Length)

StartPos = InStr(EndPos + 1, TextLine, ":", vbBinaryCompare) + 1
EndPos = Instr(StartPos, TextLine, ",", vbBinaryCompare)
Length = EndPos - StartPos
EAX = Mid(TextLine, StartPos, Length)

StartPos = InStr(EndPos + 1, TextLine, ":", vbBinaryCompare) + 1
EndPos = Instr(StartPos, TextLine, ",", vbBinaryCompare)
Length = EndPos - StartPos
EBX = Mid(TextLine, StartPos, Length)

StartPos = InStr(EndPos + 1, TextLine, ":", vbBinaryCompare) + 1
EndPos = Instr(StartPos, TextLine, ",", vbBinaryCompare)
Length = EndPos - StartPos
ECX = Mid(TextLine, StartPos, Length)

StartPos = InStr(EndPos + 1, TextLine, ":", vbBinaryCompare) + 1
Length = Len(TextLine) - StartPos + 1
EDX = Mid(TextLine, StartPos, Length)

End Sub ' ParseCPUIDOutput

Public Sub DisplayCPUID(CPUIDFunctions_Array, _
EAX_Array, _
EBX_Array, _
ECX_Array, _

call PrintBlankLineWithBorder
call PrintFormattedLine(" CPUID Info:")

call PrintFormattedLine(PadChar(" ", 22) & _
"Function " & _
" EAX " & _
" EBX " & _
" ECX " & _
" EDX")
call PrintFormattedLine(PadChar(" ", 22) & _
"======== " & _
"======== " & _
"======== " & _
"======== " & _
dim i
for i = LBound(CPUIDFunctions_Array) to UBound (CPUIDFunctions_Array)
call PrintFormattedLine(PadChar(" ", 22) & _
CPUIDFunctions_Array(i) & " " & _
EAX_Array(i) & " " & _
EBX_Array(i) & " " & _
ECX_Array(i) & " " & _

End Sub ' DisplayCPUID

Public Sub DecodeCPUIDx86EXE
dim ScriptName

ScriptName = WScript.ScriptFullName

End Sub 'DecodeCPUIDx86EXE

' ============================================================================
' = Function: ArchitectureToString
' =
' = Purpose: Returns textual representation of the processor Architecture
' ============================================================================
Public Function ArchitectureToString(Architecture)

select case Architecture
case 0
ArchitectureString = "x86"
case 1
ArchitectureString = "MIPS"
case 2
ArchitectureString = "Alpha"
case 3
ArchitectureString = "PowerPC"
case 6
ArchitectureString = "ia64"
case else
ArchitectureString = "Unknown" & " (" & CStr(Architecture) & ")"
end select

ArchitectureToString = ArchitectureString

End Function 'ArchitectureToString

' ============================================================================
' = Subroutine: PrintTitleSeparator
' =
' = Purpose: Centers a given title string between an equal number of hyphens
' = on either side of the string, forming a 79 character line of text.
' = Intended to be used as a title or header of a formatted block of text.
' ============================================================================
Public Sub PrintTitleSeparator(Str)
Len_Str = Len(Str)
if ((Len_Str / 2) <> (Len_Str \ 2)) then
Len_Str = Len_Str + 1
Str = Str + " "
end if
WScript.Echo PadChar("-", (79-Len_Str)/2) & " " & Str & " " & _
PadChar("-", (79 - Len_Str-2)/2)
End Sub 'PrintTitleSeparator

' ============================================================================
' = Function: PrintSeparator
' =
' = Purpose: Displays 79 character line of hyphens to be used as a separator
' = line
' ============================================================================
Public Sub PrintSeparator
WScript.Echo PadChar("-", 79)
End Sub 'PrintSeparator

' ============================================================================
' = Function: PrintBlankLineWithBorder
' =
' = Purpose: Displays 79 character line of text with a vertical bar in the
' = leftmost and rightmost position. This is used to print a blank line
' = of text in combination with the other Print*Separator formatting
' = subroutines.
' ============================================================================
Public Sub PrintBlankLineWithBorder
WScript.Echo "|" & PadChar(" ", 77) & "|"
End Sub 'PrintBlankLineWithBorrder

' ============================================================================
' = Function: PrintFormattedLine
' =
' = Purpose: Similar to PrintTitleSeparator, but left-justifies text within a
' = 79 character line of characters and places a vertical bar in the leftmost
' = and rightmost position
' ============================================================================
Public Sub PrintFormattedLine(Str)
Str = "| " & Str
WScript.Echo Str & PadChar(" ", 78-Len(Str)) & "|"
End Sub 'PrintLine

' ============================================================================
' = Function: PadChar
' =
' = Purpose: Creates a string which consists of one particular character and a
' = specified length. This is meant to be used to help format output which is
' = meant to be displayed in a columnar format.
' =
' = Example:
' = WScript.Echo "JobID" & PadChar(" ", 20 - Len("JobID")) & "Status" & _
' = PadChar(" ", 15 - Len("Status")) & "Priority"
' =
' = The above would create three columns of output. The first column is 20
' = chars wide, the second is 15. The three headings are "JobID", "Status",
' = and "Priority".
' ============================================================================
Function PadChar(char, length)
dim str
dim i

str = ""
for i = 1 to length
str = str + char

PadChar = str
End Function

const ForWriting = 2
const TristateUseDefault = 1
const TristateTrue = -1
const TristateFalse = 0

Function GetCPUIDx86EXEPath()
dim StringCPUIDx86EXE

StringCPUIDx86EXE = _
"4D5A90000300000004000000FFFF0000B80000000000000040000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000D80000000E1FBA0E00B409CD21B8014CCD215468" & _
"69732070726F6772616D2063616E6E6F742062652072756E20696E20444F53206D6F64652E0D0D0A" & _
"2400000000000000364A251D722B4B4E722B4B4E722B4B4EF123444E702B4B4E722B4A4E662B4B4E" & _
"F123164E712B4B4EFC23144E7C2B4B4EF123114E732B4B4E52696368722B4B4E0000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000504500004C010200595317410000000000000000E0000F01" & _
"0B01070A000800000002000000000000031400000010000000200000000000010010000000020000" & _
"05000200050002000400000000000000003000000004000063180000030000800000040000200000" & _
"0000100000100000000000001000000000000000000000000C160000280000000000000000000000" & _
"000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000601000001C0000000000000000000000" & _
"0000000000000000000000000000000018110000400000000000000000000000001000004C000000" & _
"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002E746578740000007807000000100000" & _
"0008000000040000000000000000000000000000200000602E646174610000002400000000200000" & _
"00020000000C0000000000000000000000000000400000C000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000801600008A160000941600009C160000" & _
"B0160000BA160000C2160000D0160000DA160000E2160000EE160000FE1600000A1700001E170000" & _
"2E1700003E1700004C1700006A170000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"000000005953174100000000020000004F000000601100006005000046756E6374696F6E3A253038" & _
"6C582C4541583A2530386C582C4542583A2530386C582C4543583A2530386C582C4544583A253038" & _
"6C580A00457874656E646564000000005374616E64617264000000004552524F523A204350554944" & _
"20696E737472756374696F6E206E6F7420737570706F727465640A0000000000FFFFFFFFB0120001" & _
"B612000100000000FFFFFFFF4F150001631500010000000048000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"0000000004200001B0110001010000004E423130000000005953174101000000433A5C6462672E36" & _
"2E332E31315C73646B5C73616D706C65735C63707569645C6F626A63686B5F776E65745F7838365C" & _
"693338365C63707569642E706462000090150000000000000000000000000000558BEC83EC10C745" & _
"F000000000C745F800000000C745F400000000C745FC000000008B45080FA28945F0895DF8894DF4" & _
"8955FC8B450C8B4DF089088B55108B45F889028B4D148B55F489118B45188B4DFC89088BE55DC214" & _
"00CCCCCCCCCCCCCC558BEC817D0800000080731068C0100001FF150010000183C404EB0E68B41000" & _
"01FF150010000183C4048B4518508B4D14518B5510528B450C508B4D0851687C100001FF15001000" & _
"0183C4185DC21400558BEC6AFF68F8100001689015000164A100000000506489250000000083C4DC" & _
"5356578965E8C745FC0000000033C033DB33C933D20FA2C745FCFFFFFFFFEB36B801000000C38B65" & _
"E868CC100001A10810000183C04050FF150410000183C408C745CCFFFFFFFFC745FCFFFFFFFF8B45" & _
"CCE90C0100008D4DE4518D55D4528D45D8508D4DD0516A00E8C3FEFFFF8B55D08955DC8B45E4508B" & _
"4DD4518B55D8528B45D0506A00E806FFFFFFC745E001000000EB098B4DE083C101894DE08B55E03B" & _
"55DC77348D45E4508D4DD4518D55D8528D45D0508B4DE051E873FEFFFF8B55E4528B45D4508B4DD8" & _
"518B55D0528B45E050E8BAFEFFFFEBBB8D4DE4518D55D4528D45D8508D4DD0516800000080E83EFE" & _
"FFFF8B55D08955DC8B45E4508B4DD4518B55D8528B45D0506800000080E87EFEFFFFC745E0010000" & _
"80EB098B4DE083C101894DE08B55E03B55DC77348D45E4508D4DD4518D55D8528D45D0508B4DE051" & _
"E8EBFDFFFF8B55E4528B45D4508B4DD8518B55D0528B45E050E832FEFFFFEBBB33C08B4DF064890D" & _
"000000005F5E5B8BE55DC36A286808110001E8A901000066813D000000014D5A7528A13C00000181" & _
"B8000000015045000075170FB7881800000181F90B010000742181F90B02000074068365E400EB2A" & _
"83B8840000010E76F133C93988F8000001EB1183B8740000010E76DE33C93988E80000010F95C189" & _
"4DE48365FC006A01FF154010000159830D18200001FF830D1C200001FFFF153C1000018B0D142000" & _
"018908FF15381000018B0D102000018908A1341000018B00A320200001E8FA000000833D00200001" & _
"00750C68B4150001FF153010000159E8CE00000068581000016854100001E8B9000000A10C200001" & _
"8945DC8D45DC50FF35082000018D45E0508D45D8508D45D450FF15281000018945CC685010000168" & _
"4C100001E8830000008B45E08B0D241000018901FF75E0FF75D8FF75D4E83EFDFFFF83C4308BF089" & _
"75C8837DE400750756FF1520100001FF151C100001EB2D8B45EC8B088B09894DD05051E836000000" & _
"5959C38B65E88B75D0837DE400750756FF1514100001FF1510100001834DFCFF8BC6E86C000000C3" & _
"CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCFF250C100001FF2518100001FF252C10000168000003006800000100E8530000" & _
"005959C333C0C3CC689015000164A100000000508B442410896C24108D6C24102BE05356578B45F8" & _
"8965E8508B45FCC745FCFFFFFFFF8945F88D45F064A300000000C38B4DF064890D00000000595F5E" & _
"5BC951C3FF2544100001CCCC3416000000000000000000005E170000001000000000000000000000" & _
"000000000000000000000000801600008A160000941600009C160000B0160000BA160000C2160000" & _
"D0160000DA160000E2160000EE160000FE1600000A1700001E1700002E1700003E1700004C170000" & _
"6A17000000000000EF027072696E74660000A902667072696E74660044015F696F620000F2005F65" & _
"78636570745F68616E646C6572330000CA005F635F6578697400FB005F65786974004E005F586370" & _
"7446696C74657200CD005F636578697400009A0265786974000071005F5F696E6974656E76007000" & _
"5F5F6765746D61696E617267730040015F696E69747465726D009E005F5F736574757365726D6174" & _
"686572720000BB005F61646A7573745F66646976000083005F5F705F5F636F6D6D6F646500008800" & _
"5F5F705F5F666D6F646500009C005F5F7365745F6170705F7479706500006D73766372742E646C6C" & _
"0000DB005F636F6E74726F6C66700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010000004EE640BB" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
"00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _
dim BinFile
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set f = fso.CreateTextFile("cpuidx86.exe")

filelen = Len(StringCPUIDx86EXE)

for i = 1 to filelen step 2
while ((i <= filelen) And (IsWhiteSpace(Mid(StringCPUIDx86EXE, i, 1))))
i = i + 1

if (i <= filelen) then
BinFile = BinFile & Chr(HexStringToInt(Mid(StringCPUIDx86EXE, i, 2)))
end if

call f.Write(BinFile)
call f.Close()

GetCPUIDx86EXEPath = fso.GetAbsolutePathName("cpuidx86.exe")

set f = Nothing
set fso = Nothing

End Function 'GetCPUIDx86EXEPath

Public Function IsWhiteSpace(char)
dim result
if (Len(char) = 0) then
result = false
elseif (Asc(char) < 32) then
result = True
result = False
end if
IsWhiteSpace = result
End Function

Public Function HexStringToInt(hexstring)
dim i, dblval, hexchar, hexval
' Hex is treated as unsigned for the conversion, so
' use CDbl
dblval = CDbl(0)
for i = 1 to Len(hexstring)
hexchar = Mid(hexstring, i, 1)
if (IsNumeric(hexchar)) then
hexval = CLng(Mid(hexstring, i, 1))
hexval = 10 + CLng(Asc(UCase(Mid(hexstring, i, 1))) - Asc("A"))
end if
dblval = CDbl(dblval*16) + CDbl(hexval)
HexStringToInt = dblval
End Function
=========================== END CUT ===========================

Torgeir Bakken (MVP) said:
David said:
Is there any way to do this with WMI? Perhaps, even, a way to query for the
number of logical versus physical CPUs? Perhaps something stored in the
registry? Or some way to query for the number of "licensed PHYSICAL
processors" (which, if different from the number of processors enumerated by
Win32_Processor would indicate a form of hyperthreading is enabled).

You will not be able to use WMI to detect if hyperthreading is enabled
and I don't know any other script method either that will do it.

From: Steve Lee [MSFT] ([email protected])
Subject: Re: hyperthreading oddity
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.win32.programmer.wmi
Date: 2003-03-03 13:32:05 PST

This is a known issue. WMI is currently not hyperthreading aware and
simply reports what the OS is reporting.

torgeir, Microsoft MVP Scripting and WMI, Porsgrunn Norway
Administration scripting examples and an ONLINE version of
the 1328 page Scripting Guide:

Torgeir Bakken (MVP) said:
David said:
Is there any way to do this with WMI? Perhaps, even, a way to query for the number of logical versus physical CPUs? Perhaps
something stored in the registry? Or some way to query for the number of "licensed PHYSICAL processors" (which, if different
from the number of processors enumerated by Win32_Processor would indicate a form of hyperthreading is enabled).

You will not be able to use WMI to detect if hyperthreading is enabled
and I don't know any other script method either that will do it.

From: Steve Lee [MSFT] ([email protected])
Subject: Re: hyperthreading oddity
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.win32.programmer.wmi
Date: 2003-03-03 13:32:05 PST

This is a known issue. WMI is currently not hyperthreading aware and
simply reports what the OS is reporting.

torgeir, Microsoft MVP Scripting and WMI, Porsgrunn Norway
Administration scripting examples and an ONLINE version of
the 1328 page Scripting Guide:

Stuart Coney

Hi David,

I have a similar issue right now.....

I looked around after reading and trying your vbscript with embedded .exe
and found a code example on the Intel Developers site aimed at software
vendors who wanted to license their software on a processor or logical
processor basis.....

anyway, it's called cpucount and is downloadable in both .exe and .cpp
source. Unfortunately it requires the user to press ENTER at the end of
the cmd line run (it uses a getchar();)....I will re compile it minus this
statement and use psexec from to round robin the production
servers here.

Anyway the Intel download location is

Hope this is of use to you, good luck
Stuart Coney
Sep 9, 2005
Reaction score
code error

When I run the VBS code above I get an error:
c:\test.vbs(434, 1) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Invalid procedure call or argument: 'Chr'

This is the line of code on line 434.
BinFile = BinFile & Chr(HexStringToInt(Mid(StringCPUIDx86EXE, i, 2)))

I'm running WinXP SP2.
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Zico said:
When I run the VBS code above I get an error:
c:\test.vbs(434, 1) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Invalid procedure call or argument: 'Chr'

This is the line of code on line 434.
BinFile = BinFile & Chr(HexStringToInt(Mid(StringCPUIDx86EXE, i, 2)))

I'm running WinXP SP2.

Find the function IsWhiteSpace and change it to (i've changed the elseif statement)

Public Function IsWhiteSpace(char)
dim result
if (Len(char) = 0) then
result = false
ElseIf (Asc(char) = 32) then
result = True
result = False
End if
IsWhiteSpace = result
End Function

and it will work.

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