Detect Hidden Rows by Formula


David Godinger

Is there a formula that will notify me if any row in a range is hidden? (I
don't want to do this by VBA.)

I want it to notify me by formula, if that's possible, because I want to
know immediately if something is hidden. (Once I can understand how to
detect a hidden row, I'll probably use conditional formatting to make the
cell turn red to warn me.)



Depending on what version of XL you have and the details of how the cells get
hidden, maybe (using formula from Laurent Longre).

If the cells are hidden due to a filter, and assuming your range does not
contain cells that are empty (but a formula that returns "" should be okay)
you could try


should return True if cells are hidden, false if not. Assumes data is in

In XL 2003, I believe subtotal function was modified to recognize cells that
were hidden by the user by using ?103? for the first argument (I don't have
XL2003 so I could be wrong - check XL help if you have XL 2003).


If you need to test for either situation (ie cells hidden by the user or as
a result of a filter), you may need to use both option 3 and 103 (assuming
103 only counts cells that are hidden, but not hidden by a filter).


David Godinger

Hmmmm....thanks to JMB for leading me to a solution.

I don't understand everything he said, but I tested the following formula
in Excel 2003. It's a little crude, but it does the job for me:


Assuming that every cell in A2 to A5 has a value in it.

If no rows are hidden, the formula gives me a 0.

Otherwise, I get a value for the number of rows that are hidden (2 if I
hid 2 rows).

The function 3 uses COUNTA to include hidden values.

The function 103 uses COUNTA to ignore hidden values.

Any improvements for this formula?




Sorry, I made that a lot harder than it needed to be. I'm used to seeing
that formula in a multiple condition test involving filtered data and
overlooked a simpler solution.

Subtotal(3,..) and Subtotal(103,..) should count rows that are not hidden.
To get the number of hidden rows, I think you need


I suspect your formula is working because no rows are hidden by a filter so
Subtotal(3,A2:A5) is returning the same value that Rows(A2:A5) would.

Subtotal(3, A2:A5) returns the number of rows that are visible after a
filter is applied (such as AutoFilter). Subtotal(103, A2:A5) should, as I
understand it, return the number of rows not hidden by the user

David Godinger


Now, how about hidden columns? The subtotal function doesn't seem to work
for that.




If your range was A2:F2, I expect it would be:


David Godinger

Thanks for the attempt, but I tried that already and it doesn't work. The
result of the formula is 0, whether or not any of the columns A-F are
hidden. (All the cells have values.)



JMB said:
If your range was A2:F2, I expect it would be:


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