Defrag problems & software installation



I have read and complied with all posts in this section which I could find,
nothing works for me. The buttons on my Defrag does nothing; I can partly
defrag from safe mode, but quits at about 15%. Checked all the DCOM problems
in these posts, did the install Dfrag.inf, nothing works. And, when I try to
run any 3rd party defrag program (Diskeeper, Perfect Disk, System Mech), I
get 'Windows cannot run this program b ecause it has been prevented by a
software restriction policy. For more info, open Event Viewer oir contact
your system administrator. I am the Administrator, in fact, only
administrator on computer. Event viewer shows ID, 866; 7001; 100; and 89.
Have tried all things I could find in Posts...nothing works. Suggestions?


Need to add one more (important??) thing: Under Event Viewer, I am getting
nothing recorded under System, I am getting no recordings for since last
week...nothing at all. Error comes up: ' Event ID 7001: The DHCP Client
service depends on the NetBios over Tcpip service which failed to start
because of the following error. A device attached to the system is not
functioning.....' I have done as suggested re Command Prompt DHCP. I get
Service Exit Code 0. Help...(Pls read above post, these, I believe, are all


I have read and complied with all posts in this section which I could find,
nothing works for me. The buttons on my Defrag does nothing; I can partly
defrag from safe mode, but quits at about 15%. Checked all the DCOM problems
in these posts, did the install Dfrag.inf, nothing works. And, when I try to
run any 3rd party defrag program (Diskeeper, Perfect Disk, System Mech), I
get 'Windows cannot run this program b ecause it has been prevented by a
software restriction policy. For more info, open Event Viewer oir contact
your system administrator. I am the Administrator, in fact, only
administrator on computer. Event viewer shows ID, 866; 7001; 100; and 89.
Have tried all things I could find in Posts...nothing works. Suggestions?

Try Googleing for JKDefrag ( free programme )


Thanks (e-mail address removed)....did this and it ran fine. But, again, it left
about 50% fragmented...due to fact the computer does not recognize me as
Administrator....!!!and I cannot find out why...but thanks...better than it


when searching newsgroups
or googling proves to be unfruitful
on microsoft's operating system,
then go directly to the source for

db ·´¯`·.¸. said:
<)))º>·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. ><)))º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><)))º>



First article looks fine, but, when I logged in at Safe Mode, Administrator
was active, and as for the 'program not allowing', it appears that anything
is not allowing, i.e., Defrag, Diskeeper, Perfect Disk, i.e., anything that
affects the Hard Drive, i.e., System Mech, etc. I can do nothing. I am not
smart enough to figure this out, but, why will it allow access to, say,
Defrag, in Safe Mode, but not in Windows mode, and Event Viewer is not
recording anything since 7/24/07 in Security and 7/27/07 in Application?
Anyway, I am not smart enough to figure this out, I guess. All appears
normal, and computer runs normal, etc., but cannot run Defrag or other HD
management programs....


well, there may have
been an initial issue
corrupted profiles.

we know that the one
defragger you installed
worked, however, it was likely
installed under the current
user profile, thus you were
able to run that third party

but the other defraggers
are stating that you are not
logged in as admin eventhough
you are. so this is where the
conflict is.

1) what i suggest is to wipe
away all those third party
defraggers. you should go
ahead and uninstall them and
delete their parent folders as well
then reboot.

2) then run this:

the above will clean up the registry
and initiate a defrag, if it can under
the current circumstances of your
situation. if however, it too says
you need to be administrator then

3) i think a repair installation
of your operating system is in order
as the o.s. may not be limited to issues
of corrupted profiles and mmc snap in's
like your defrag.

do you have a windows setup cd?

let us know the results of
1, 2 and 3.


db ·´¯`·.¸. said:
<)))º>·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. ><)))º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><)))º>



I will do that...and then I will get back to you. Yes, I have an
installation XP Pro CD but have not used it...this is a wierd CD. It is a
Dell compouter (out of warranty) and the CD is not a Boot have to be
at Windows to run it...that is why I have not tried. Is this possible? As I
said, this is a Dell XP Pro Installaltion Disk...but have stayed away because
it is not a Boot disk...I did not know you could re-install OS from
Windows....I will do as you said and get back to you...


OK, donloaded One Care (Trial) and no viruses, spyware, etc., and got msg
'One care could not run Defrag due to an unknown error'. So, cannot Defrag
from there either. I will uininstall the One Care because with a computer
screwed up, I see no reason to pay for another program....I just cannot find
out what is going on!


I have completed all requested actions, live care, etc., and did not do
anything. Problem still there. By the way, there is one more wierd I said, I can Defrag in Safe Mode, and, when I Analize, etc., and
when it is completed, I notice that about 1/3 (Defragged) is in Blue, about
1/3 (Unused) is in White (or Black), but more than 1/3 (Fragmented) is still
in red! This is about 1/3 to 1/2 of Disk Fragemented! Question? When Safe
Mode Defrag is completed, I do get msg 'unable to Defrag, etc.'....


well, there will
always be some files
that do not defrag.

i do recall, however,
that there are programs that
create a virtual drive/disk. so
this type of space would
be off limits unless you use
the software that created it.

however, it seems that
this is something that
seems important for you
and indeed it may be a

i thought that i had
recommended doing
a repair installation via
your windows cd. if
not this might be a reasonable
thing to do as it would
essentially reset your o.s.
and replace corrupted
system files.

on the otherhand, you
might try a couple of things
beforehand; as the options
are running low.

go back into safemode and:

check your virtual memory.
set it to custom at initial size of 2
and max of 1152. also be sure
it is on the partition where
windows is also located.

next run msconfig. on the
first tab there should be some
options. i think you should
select the "diagnostics" option,
since you have little to loose
by trying. then reboot.

you should be booted
into normal mode and the environment
will be similar to being in
safemode. and seee if you
can run the ms defrag again
and windows seems cooperative.

if not then just go back to square one
and run/open msconfig, re select normal startup.
however, i would not launch any startups
that are found on the last tab.

then reboot to normal mode
and you might consider a repair installation or
even a clean install if you think reformatting
the harddrive would provide some
assurance that fragmented space that
concerns you would be wiped away.

but see if the settings on the
virtual mem and the diagnostic
startup helps.


db ·´¯`·.¸. said:
<)))º>·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. ><)))º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><)))º>


bijobe said:
I have completed all requested actions, live care, etc., and did not do
anything. Problem still there. By the way, there is one more wierd I said, I can Defrag in Safe Mode, and, when I Analize,
etc., and
when it is completed, I notice that about 1/3 (Defragged) is in Blue,
1/3 (Unused) is in White (or Black), but more than 1/3 (Fragmented) is
in red! This is about 1/3 to 1/2 of Disk Fragemented! Question?
When Safe
Mode Defrag is completed, I do get msg 'unable to Defrag, etc.'....


Thanks for the assist, no I had done all fact, I have run
diagnostic startup, do not load INI, do not load Services, do not load
Start-up, run Diagnostic mode, etc., etc. And, each time, does not work...I
guess the only thing left to do is reformat and reinstall...unless you can
think of something I have not done...and I do thank you for your time....




db ·´¯`·.¸. said:
<)))º>·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. ><)))º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><)))º>



To all, went ahead and reinstalled OS...all works fine. Thanks to all
suggestions, but, in some problems, there are no solutions...

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