default template Excel uses at start-up



I want to change the default template Excel uses at start-up, to one of my
own design. I did a search on Google for the answer, and found the

The default templates used by Excel are called Book.xls and Sheet.xls. If
you create these files then you define your own default workbook and
worksheet, which will appear each time you open Excel or add a new worksheet.
The files must reside in the XLStart folder, which is in
....\user_name\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLStart. On the public PCs you
do not have the privileges to create these files but, if you have Excel on
your own PC, you can do this if you so choose.

I created a workbook, and called it Checkin which I then placed in the
XLStart folder in …..
Documents and Settings\ my name\application data\Microsoft\Excel\XLStart

When I then start Excel, the normal Book1 opens, and not my Checkin
workbook. Can anybody tell me if what I'm doing is correct please, or where
I am going wrong?

JE McGimpsey

As you write in your post (though with the wrong extensions), the
default template is named Book.xlt, not Checkin.


That was the problem,the extension was wrong xls should have been xlt... now
working fine.Thankyou for your help!

Gord Dibben

The answer you found on Google is incorrect or you did not follow directions.

Open a new workbook. Customize as you wish.

File>Save As Type: scroll down to Excel Template(*.XLT) and select. Name your
workbook "BOOK"(no quotes). Excel will add the .XLT to save as BOOK.XLT.

Store this workbook in the XLSTART folder usually located at........

C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART

This will be the default workbook for File>New or the Toolbar button File>New or
CTRL + n

WARNING................Do not use File>New...Blank Workbook or you will get the
Excel default workbook.

NOTE: Existing workbooks are not affected by these settings.

You can also open a new workbook and delete all but one sheet. Customize as
you wish then save this as SHEET.XLT in XLSTART folder also. It now becomes
the default Insert>Sheet.

More can be found on this in Help under "templates"(no quotes).

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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