DDR vs DDR2 RAM Compatibility



I'm getting a new Dell laptop computer with 512 Megabytes DDR2 RAM. I
currently have 1Gig of DDR RAM in my old computer. Can I place that 1G into
the new computer without a problem being it's DDR instead of DDR2? Thank you.


Two entirely different styles of RAM. They Are not compatable. Do some
reading. TTFN.


Go ahead. You'll find the little notches in the DDR RAM banks won't accept
the DDR2. Its impossible to plug it in.


Thanks Jonny for the Reply. Actually I was looking for the other way around.
Putting the 1G DDR modules from the old computer into the DDR2 RAM banks of
the new computer but I guess it's a moot point anyway since the notches are
different on the modules.


Realized that 10 minutes after my reply.

Take both a DDR and DDR RAM module and line them up. Line up the sides, and
end to end. You'll find, if you look real close, the notch is one click
over on the DDR2 near the middle of the module.


Thanks again Jonny. I haven't seen the DDR2 modules as yet but I take your
word for it. It's a shame and a waste of 1G of memory being unable to pop in
my old DDR into DDR2 banks.

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