Datagrid ItemCreated happens Before Postback???


Lars Netzel

Hi! I'm so confused right now..

I have a Page that load a datagrid with a a bunch of radiobuttons in three
columns which are then checkes or uncheck in the ItemCreated.(it's supposed
to be a permission setting for different things in my application)
There is a save button on the page to save the permissions set in the grid.

The BindGrid() is called if it is NOT a postback in the PageLoad.

Then, in debugging, when the User presses the Save button update the
permissions, for some reason.. the ItemCreated is breaking before I have
even gotten to the PageLoad... and in there the Radiobuttons are set so that
the radiobutton for "no access" is checked, this means the selection of
Radiobuttons the user made is overwritten.

THEN is goes to the PageLoad and THEN is updates the Permissions... thru the

Why on Earth is the ItemCreated Happening before the PageLoad...??? I see no
point in this and is there a way to stop it from happening?

Best Regards/

Greg Burns

I believe I fought with this before too. I think I moved my stuff to the
ItemDataBound event to make it happy.


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