My button_click function doesn't get current value


Cindy Lee

I have an image button that I do an button_click with

protected void ImageButton1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
stringt value1=TextBox1.Text;

I get the value here ok, but only if I don't set it in the pageload part.
TextBox7.Text="a"; // if this is in the pageload, I will always get "a"

I want to be able to change the value on the page, and have it show up in
ImageButton1_Click. Anyone know why this is happening.

Scott Roberts

By the time the Page_Load event occurs, TextBox7 has already been loaded
with the value entered on the page. So when you set TextBox7.Text = "a" you
are overwriting the value entered by the user.

The general practice for initializing control values in Page_Load is as

if (!IsPostBack)
TextBox7.Text = "a";

That way the control value is only initialized on the initial page load, but
not on any postbacks.


Cindy Lee

Ahh, thanks. cleared things up.

Scott Roberts said:
By the time the Page_Load event occurs, TextBox7 has already been loaded
with the value entered on the page. So when you set TextBox7.Text = "a" you
are overwriting the value entered by the user.

The general practice for initializing control values in Page_Load is as

if (!IsPostBack)
TextBox7.Text = "a";

That way the control value is only initialized on the initial page load, but
not on any postbacks.


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