databinding for multiple comboboxes



I have a 4 tab form each with different dataviews attached to a datagrid. On
the last tab, I have a dataview attached to a datagrid and 2 comboxes that
are bound to the same dataset representing 2 different columns in the dv.
When I create cbSecond.BindingContext = new BindingContext(); the combox
loads okay but the value does not change with the new row, nor do changes in
the combox propogate to the dv. (combobox 1 works okay as long as i don't do:
cbfirst.bindingContext = new BindingContext();). Instead I get a a form that
freezes when a new selection is made from the dropdown list in cb2. When the
first combobox value is changed, the second combox clears the textbox. I
have regnerated the dataset, the dataviews and deleted and reapplied the
datagrid numerous times. What is wrong with it?


I have narrowed some of the problem down. When I moved the 2nd combox off of
the tab pain onto the parent form, everything works. So that leads to
believe that the tabcontol binding manager is the problem. So how do I fix
this? I already tried to create seperate binding contexts for each tabpage,
but that didn't appear to change anything.

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