Database converison Access 97 to SQl server



Hi Guys,

I am trying to convert access 97 database to SQL server. Can you anyone help
on this?

Any help is appreciated...


Sylvain Lafontaine

Unlike the Upsizing Wizard that comes with Access 97, which only works with
the older versions of SQL-Server, the SQL Server Migration Assistant for
Access (SSMA - Access) is probably capable of upsizing it to the version of
SQL-Server that you're using:

Trying to automatically upsize a database is not always an easy task and
often, it's more easier to simply do it by hand. In almost every case,
you'll have to finish the job by hand, anyway.

There are two ways of upsizing an Access database: toward a MDB (or ACCDB
file in the case of Access 2007) with ODBC linked tables or toward an Access
Data Project (ADP). This newsgroup is about ADP, so if your intention is to
use ODBC linked tables, another newsgroup might be more appropriate than
this one.



Can you please suggest what group should I be contacting?

thanks for your help and advice.

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