damaged .dll



When I try to open various microsoft products, (Internet
Explorer, Outlook, Excel) I get an error message about a
file shimeng.dll. The message states that it is not a
valid windows image. After I click through the error
message, I am able to use the program. It there a way to
fix this error by extracting the file from the Windows XP
installation disk? Is there another way to fix this file?


-----Original Message-----
do you have Excel installed....

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.602 / Virus Database: 383 - Release Date: 3/1/2004

Yes. I have the entire Office 2000 suite installed.


-----Original Message-----
I do not know how to use the information. Please explain
how I can use this information to help me fix the
problem. I apologize for my limited skills. Thanks in
This stuff is over my head. If you can simplify it
would greatly appreciated.

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