I can't duplicate your problem in Excell 2002. I have
tried various custom lists, and multiple column sorts,
and they always work correctly.
When you select your custom sort order, is the Case
Sensitive box checked? I tried this with an all lower
case custom list, but I capitalized the first letter of
each word in my data to be sorted. The sort defaulted to
alphabetical rather than using my sort order.
selecting OK, I am defaulted back to the basic SORT
Window. I select the cell that contains the sort data
from my custom list. However, it then sorts it
alphabetically, instead of looking at my custom sort.
tried various custom lists, and multiple column sorts,
and they always work correctly.
When you select your custom sort order, is the Case
Sensitive box checked? I tried this with an all lower
case custom list, but I capitalized the first letter of
each word in my data to be sorted. The sort defaulted to
alphabetical rather than using my sort order.
have added to a custom list defined by going to TOOLS and-----Original Message-----
I am trying to use a sort based on a custom sort which I
DATA SORT OPTIONS and select the custom list. AfterI then select the range of cells I want to sort, go to
selecting OK, I am defaulted back to the basic SORT
Window. I select the cell that contains the sort data
from my custom list. However, it then sorts it
alphabetically, instead of looking at my custom sort.