Custom Formatted Field Month-Year plus num/Den


Chuck W

I have a pivot table with the first column formatted as mmm-yy. The values
in the pivot table appear as Jan-09, Feb-09. My second column is the
numerator and my third column is the denominator. I want to concantenate
these three columns and used the following function:
=CONCATENATE(A3," ",B3,"/",C3)

The problem is that the data turns into it's number value. Rather than the
cell appearing as Jan-09 14/16 which is what I want, it appears as 39814
14/16. I went to custom formats but could not find an existing one. I have
tried creating one but I get an error message that states "MS Excel cannot
use the number format you typed. Try using one of the built in formats".

Can someone help?


Dave Peterson

=text(a3,"mmm-yy")&" "&b3&"/"&c3)

I used the & operand instead of the =concatenate function.

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