'current' record from many side of relationship



I have two tables, tblPatient and tblReferral, with a one to many
relationship. One patient can have many referrals. However one patitent can
only have one current referral record.

Is the best way to do this to put a field into the tblPatient named
"CurrPatRef" (Current Patient Referral)?

I thought about putting a "Current" check box field into the tblReferral
table however how would I stop all Referral records of one patient being
checked - giving many current referrals for that one patient.


Allen Browne

Is the current referral the most recent one?

If so, you could just add a ReferralDateTime field (date/time type) to


Thanks Allen,

Yes the current referral is the most recent one so I will use my RefDate
field to filter.

Next question - what criteria do I use in my query to show the latest date
of the RefDate field - I searched the site but couldnt find any solution that


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