CUBEVALUE Function - Excel 2007



Is there a way to send value of other cell as a parametar for CubeValue

Example from help:

=CUBEVALUE ("Adventure Works","[Measures].[Gross
Profit]","[Product].[Category].[Bikes]","[Date].[Fiscal Year].[FY 2004]")

I would like to use

=CUBEVALUE ("Adventure Works","[Measures].[Gross
Profit]","[Product].[Category].[Bikes]","[Date].[Fiscal Year].[$B2]")

Where $B2 is cell with plain text value "FY 2004".

I think that problem is in "", but when i put CUBEVALUE parametar without
quotations, function doesn't work.

Thank you,
Dec 23, 2008
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this should help

ok it is possible as long as the cell have the format [Date].[Fiscal Year].[FY 2004], so make the cell have the value you want to be changeable, try this:

go to any cell(lets say A1) and have this formula:

=CONCATENATE(" [Date].[Fiscal Year].[",$B2,"]")

this will make the report interactive and will have this as result:

[Date].[Fiscal Year].[FY 2004]

so for the formula with cubevalue you should use:

=CUBEVALUE ("Adventure Works","[Measures].[Gross

hope this helps, let me know if not

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