Crosstab Query


Jeff Kaufman

Hello - I am currently using Access 2003 and need help creating a cross-tab
query. I have a query set up right now that brings back a list of all
employee names for this current month. I would like to be able to create a
crosstab query that will bring back the Team Name in the first column and
then have the elinkID of all the different Employee's that have that Team
Name listed for them in the columns next to it. So some team names might
have 15 results and others maybe only 1 or 2. Is this something that would
be possible?

Current Query:
SELECT [Table - Employee Hierarchy].[Performance Month], [Table - Employee
Hierarchy].eLinkID, [Table - Employee Hierarchy].PhoneID, [Table - Employee
Hierarchy].attuid, [Table - Employee Hierarchy].[Employee Name], [Table -
Employee Hierarchy].[Team Name], [Table - Employee Hierarchy].Manager, [Table
- Employee Hierarchy].Department, [Table - Employee Hierarchy].[Skill
FROM [Table - Employee Hierarchy]
WHERE ((([Table - Employee Hierarchy].[Performance Month])=[Performance
ORDER BY [Table - Employee Hierarchy].Department, [Table - Employee
Hierarchy].[Skill Description];


Try this --
Change the ‘Text’ in PARAMETERS line below to DataType of [Table - Employee
Hierarchy].[Performance Month].

PARAMETERS [Performance Month:] Text ( 255 );
TRANSFORM FIRST([Table - Employee Hierarchy].eLinkID) AS First_eLinkID
SELECT [Table - Employee Hierarchy].[Team Name]
FROM [Table - Employee Hierarchy]
GROUP BY [Table - Employee Hierarchy].[Team Name]
PIVOT [Table - Employee Hierarchy].[Employee Name];

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