Criteria with check Box condition



Hi all..

I have 2 form with the same table wich contain followings Datas,

AutoNumberID Name Address Checked Checkedby Approved Authorizedby

where Checked and Approved fields are check box,

one form is for a person that check Address & Name and the another form is
for the person that approve,,

here is that I want:

when the person that use the first form have cheched the CheckBox means that
he has checked and he don't need more these records and his form but this
record need to appear in the second form and when the person that use the
second for makes his approved , these datas don't needs to appear more in the
two form..

Thanks ..

(e-mail address removed)

Allen Browne

So your first form needs *only* the records where Checked is not true?

Create a query into this table.
Drag the fields into the grid.
In the Criteria row under the Checked field, enter:
Save the query.
Open your form in design view.
In the Properties box, looking at the properties of the Form, on the Data
tab, set the RecordSource property to the name of the query.

Create a similar query to use as the RecordSource of your second form, but
where Checked is True, and Approved is False.


Hi Thank you for your help..

it helped me to understad what I wanted, but I have a little more question?
is this work also for a Form and SubForm..,,are the same criterias??


(e-mail address removed)

Allen Browne

There's nothing that would stop the reply working for either form or

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