Creating Thumbnails on the Fly


Amy Snyder

I have a ton of pictures that I want to display on a personal site. I
used to create the thumbnails in photoshop and upload both the thumbnail
and original to my web server. I would like to automate this process in
order to make it less time consuming when I update my pictures.

Here's my thought... I would create folders for each group of pictures
under a general "photos" folder. I.E. Christmas, summer, birthday, etc.
When someone clicks a link to Christmas, all the thumbnails of the
Christmas pictures are loaded on the fly from the Christmas folder. I
would create the paging necessary if there were a lot of pictures per
folder/album. Once I have this all setup, all I have to do is ftp my
new photos to the folder on the server and everything is taken care of.

Is there any tutorials or code examples for this? I have seen examples
where you can do this for one picture at a time but not for a specified
folder of pics.

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