Creating mailitem with reply/reply to all/forward buttons

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I have an application that reads a .msg file from disk and uses an Outlook
object to create the outlook instance and a mailitem using the
CreateItemFromTemplate method on the application object.

When I execute the Display(object modal) method on the mailitem the form
displays the mail message as a new item with the Send button.

As the .msg file is actually a saved mail from a received email in an
outlook folder I need it to recognise it as a mail that has to show the
Reply/Reply to All/Forwad buttons (as it does if I double click the file on
the disk).

I can't seem to find anywhere how I force the mailitem to natively
understand the mail is to be displayed in a response mode and not a new item

Any help is appreciated.
I can't seem to find anywhere how I force the mailitem to natively
understand the mail is to be displayed in a response mode and not a new item
CreateItemfromTemplate should always create the item to send. I think what you
want to do is just open the existing item. Look for a method that opens the
item from the file system.
This is the problem. There doesn't seem to be a method that does this that I
can find and there doesn't seem any obvious way of setting a property on the
mail object to get it into a reply mode.
You should be able to execute any file that has a file type association by using Windows Script Host:

You can use Windows Script Host to run any program:

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strPath = Chr(34) & "C:\your path\your file.msg" & Chr(34)
objShell.Run strPath

Once the item is open, it will be available from the Inspectors collection.