Creating a 3 State Rollover Button



Hi all,

Can anyone tell me what I need to do to create a 3 stage rolloever button
out of an image control.

I don't know too much about javascript or creating user controls. I'm really
hoping that someone can just tell me if there is an easy way to do it.

I normally use Dreamweaver for creating the rollover but thats just for normal
images, not server side controls. Is there any way I can use the code that
dreamweaver generates and somehow incorporate it into the <asp:imagebutton
..... > code?

One last thing: I really would like the button to be a 3 state button, so
that when you click on it it has that 'pressed' look as well as the standard
2 rollover states

Any advice would be greatfully received

Kindest Regards


Bruce Barker

the easy way is to use dreamweaver. just catch the button postback yourself
in the onload event. just be sure to assign a name and value to the image

if (Request.Form["mybuttonname'] != null)

-- bruce (

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