Adding Some Javascript to an ASP:IMAGE control



Hey there,

I'm kind of stumped on this and hopefully someone can guide me in the
right direction.

I have a webform that I am developing in C# using ASP.NET 2.0. On the
page_load, I am getting some information from a database query telling
me how many images I need to show on the page. Since this count can be
dynamic, I am doing the following code to add images to a PLACEHOLDER
already on the ASPX file:

Image imgPageThumb = new Image();

imgPageThumb.ImageUrl = ModuleSettings.DocThumbWebURL +
imgPageThumb.Height = Unit.Pixel(85);
imgPageThumb.BorderWidth = 3;


This works pretty well and everything is good. The next thing I am
trying to do is add a javascript command to either ONMOUSEOVER or
ONCLICK TO execute some javascript that will change my image for me.
Basically a rollover if you will.

"movepic('imgDocThumb', '" + ModuleSettings.DocThumbWebURL +
strPageFileName + "')";

thats where the problem comes in, I have no clue how to add it to any
of the clientside events.

I have tried doing this is an actual IMAGE button. This works great,
however if a client CLICKS on the image button, it will perform the
clientside ONCLICK, but then also perform a post-back which is
something I don't want to do.

Hopefully someone has an idea on this and I would really appreciate any
help you may have.



Got it guys, if the answer was any bigger, it would have bitten me:

imgPageThumb.Attributes.Add("ONCLICK", "movepic('imgDocThumb', '" +
ModuleSettings.DocThumbWebURL + strPageFileName + "')");

Basically, I just added an Attribute to the ASP:IMAGE object I was using

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