Create a Macro with a List


jeannie v

Hi Experts:
I would like to build a macro with the List for multiple individuals that
will then enter the data from the List to the Summary Worksheet in the same
Workbook. This is the example of what I want to do....

List Sheet

John Jones in Column A....123456 in Column B...ABCDF in Column C and 90.05%
in Column D

Put that data on the Summary Worksheet in Columns B, C, D & E

I would also like to remove the % sign in Column D

Can anyone help me with this? I would appreciate any assistance you can
provide. I'm working on a new reporting document that is using VLOOKUPs....a
lot of them every month....I think the Macro would be more efficient, but I
need your help to build on.

Bob Bridges

Why, Jeannie, fancy meeting you here! :) It sounds to me as though you
already have an idea of how the program should work and something about it
isn't doing what you think it should. Can you post some code and the error
message, or whatever behavior you get that isn't what you want? I could say
"just have your code look through the original report page and pull up the
rows that have the name (or whatever) that you want, and then..." But
doubtless you're already doing that, or trying.

--- "jeannie v said:
Hi Bob:

Thank you for the prompt response....I just inherited this report and it is
HUGE...the report is filled with VLOOKUPs and I know I can make it more
efficient with Macros..I"m taking the report is pieces...of which this is the
first of many pieces to this report. It's not the same data every month or
the same individuals (all would be in the List, though), so I was hoping that
I could build a Macro that would pull and pop the correct data no matter who
or what was identified for the month, each month.

I had a Macro that I used a couple of years ago that did something similar,
but I can't make it work for this report...there are differences that just
don't work.


jeannie v

Hi Bob:

This is the Macro I used a couple of years ago....honestly, one of you,
experts, gave this to me and it was much more advanced than I was able to
build....Is there someway we could make it work for the example I documented
below.....I got so lost when I tried to adapt this to what I wanted. This is
more than what I need, I think...Can you help?

Sub Summary

Dim n As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, m As Integer
Dim rng As Range, dest As Range
Dim wss As Worksheet, wsd As Worksheet, wsl As Worksheet
Dim mName As String, mSheet As String
Set wsl = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("List")
Set wss = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Summary")

k = wsl.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
If k = 0 Then Exit Sub
For m = 1 To k
mName = wsl.Cells(m, 1).Value: mSheet = wsl.Cells(m, 2).Value
Set wsd = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(mSheet)
n = wss.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 1 To n
j = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A3:A17")) + 4
Set dest = wsd.Range("A" & j & ":L" & j)
If wss.Cells(i, "A").Value = mName Then
wss.Range("A" & i & ":L" & i).Copy
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End If

Next i

Bob Bridges

I'm no expert; I started VBA/Excel programming in earnest just a couple years
ago, though I fooled around with it back just before Y2K.

I can figure out what this does - it doesn't look very complicated - but if
you don't already write code yourself then I should think it a bad idea for
you to try to adapt someone else's program. Let me put that another way:
It's a GOOD idea for you to adapt someone else's code, but you should sit
down with it and figure out what it does and how you want to change it, not
just ask someone else to help - because until you've sweated over it
yourself, you don't know the code and will very possibly not recognize when
it starts lying to you.

I don't mind a bit helping you to understand it, and coaching you in getting
it to what you want it to do. But unless we go through that work ("all that
work"), decades of experience tell me it won't do you much good.

jeannie v

Hi Bob:

Thank you for the offer to help me. I am working 14 -16 Hrs a day and just
don't have time right now to work through this...I do appreciate that you are
so willing to help me understand the Macro codes...When I have time, I will
definitely call upon you for's just not possible right now.
I just wanted to uncomplicate this HUGE spreadsheet that I inherited.

My inkling is that you are an EXPERT, though!

Bob Bridges

Well, let's do it this way, then: You have my email address, right? Send me
the below code and we'll go through it just one piece at a time. That way
you can steal the time to improve your understanding of it - an investment in
the future, and a not very distant future either - but only in small slices
that won't affect the other things you have to do. In just a week or two you
may see for yourself what you want to do with this, simply because you can
see what this is doing.

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