


I have a column named PTS Number
I have used the custom validation to ensure that duplicate values are not
Is there a way of combining the COUNTIF formula to ensure that at least 6
numeric characters are imputed?

T. Valko

Is there a way of combining the COUNTIF formula to ensure
that at least 6 numeric characters are imputed?

What is the format of these 6 numbers? Will there be any leading 0s? Is this
a legitimate number: 000000 ?

T. Valko

Assume the range of interest is A1:A10. Use this as the validation formula:



Hello once again

The formula you provided worked fine until I entered the text 'MainID' into
A1 - have tried all sorts of permutations but have failed to get the results
wanted - do you have any suggestions.

T. Valko

to ensure that at least 6 numeric characters are imputed
worked fine until I entered the text 'MainID' into A1


The text "MainID" isn't 6 digits, is it? <g>

So, does that mean the entry could be *either* a text string or a 6 digit


Thanks for the response - at least you didn't call me a dope!

I have generally always used a database with defined fields but
unfortunatley the company I am presently working for have Office installed
but without Access so I have had to convert the database I already had into

The reason - as you have probably already guessed - for placing the text in
A1 as 'Main Id' - is to give a descriptive title to the entries below it -
which will always be numeric.

I think I may have worked out how to solve the problem - purely by taking
the validation off the single cell A1. At least it seems to work.

You may have another suggestion.

T. Valko

Yes, you did the right thing. If A1 is just the column header do not apply
the validation to that cell.

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