Frank Kabel

Hi Bernie
I thjink you already received an answer for this question?

Try using INDIRECT. If cell A1 contains a string try:
=COUNTIF(INDIRECT("'" & A1 & "'!F11:K11"),0)

if A1 contains a date value try
=COUNTIF(INDIRECT("'" & TEXT(A1,"MMM-YY") & "'!F11:K11"),0)

-----Original Message-----
Hi, I am stuck and lost in trying to ref. a sheet in my formula using COUNTIF.
My workbook consist of 12 sheets; Jan-04 thru Dec-04.
Cell A1 on every sheets contains a calculated data with a
M-Y format. How can I use the COUNTIF formula to ref.
that A1. Example: when I am on sheet Jul-04 and say my A1
cell has a calculated value of Jun-04.
I do not want to use a hard coded formula such as COUNTIF
('Jun-04'!F11:K11,0) since my A1 could change anywhere
from Jan-04-Dec04 or any other name that is one of my
worksheet name in the same work book. I've tried COUNTIF
('A1'!F11:K11,0) and it did not work.

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