COUNTIF Function



Hi, I'm having a few problems with the COUNTIF function. This is what I'm
looking for.

Range is A40:A70. This contains numbers between 0 and 21.

Then I have columns B,C,D
In columnB I would like to have COUNTIF(A40:A70, odd number) (So count all
odd number's in the range except for 0)
In columnC I would like to have COUNTIF(A40:A70, >12 AND <21) (So count all
numbers between 12 and 21)
In columnD I would like to have COUNTIF(A40:A70, 1,4,7,13,19) (So count all
numbers I've requested)

Hope this makes sense. I'm sure it's something simple, but I can't figure
it out.
Thanks again!

JE McGimpsey

One way:

B: =SUMPRODUCT(--(MOD(A40:A70,2)=1))

C: =COUNTIF(A40:A70, ">12") - COUNTIF(A40:A70,">=21")

D: =SUM(COUNTIF(A40:A70,{1,4,7,13,19}))
(So count all odd number's in the range except for 0)

Um... 0 isn't odd...

JE McGimpsey


Don Guillett said:
try this idea
Don Guillett
Microsoft MVP Excel
SalesAid Software
(e-mail address removed)


Hi JE,

Thanks for the help - everything works great. As for the 0 not being odd...
sorry, my bad. I just asked for odd, but I was looking for odd and even
(hence he asking about 0). But I found the answer to that on another post.

Thanks again, this site rocks!

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