Countif function with multiple column criteria?




I'm hoping someone, much smarter than I, can help me find a solution to my

My spreasheet looks like this (two columns):
1 day
2 months
5 years
6 weeks
5 years
7 days
1 month
3 years
1 day
6 weeks

I want to use a count function to count the number of times 5 years occurs,
and I am having a hard time getting a nestedif function to make this happen.

Any suggesstions?


Assuming your data are in Col a and Col B
you need to add a helper column
in Col C, place this formula in C2 and copy down
=A2&" "&B2

oe you can place this in a faraway col and hide it

in col D, place this formula
=COUNTIF(C2:C11,"5 years")

adjust this to your range
Hope this is helpful
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Thank You

cheers, francis
Am not a greek but an ordinary user trying to assist another


Thanks for the help!

Now if i add a third column to this:

5 years tall
5 year short
3 months tall/sick
5 years short/sick
5 years sick/tall

and I enter the function:


I get a #NUM error...

I need to search with "y*" because sometimes year maybe spelled incorectly,
also I need to search the third column for "*tall*" as it may be with
additional text seperated by a forward slash (/).

Any additional suggestions?


Thanks for the suggestion Francis, but I'd rather not concatenate the columns
into a new column.

T. Valko

If you're using Excel 2007...


Better to use cells to hold the criteria:

D2 = 5
E2 = years



One way:


T. Valko

sometimes year maybe spelled incorectly

What? Are you kidding? Someone doesn't know how to spell a 4 letter word
like "yeer"? <VBG>

Try this:


You can't directly use wildcards in SUMPRODUCT.

Dave Peterson

And what happens if I misspell year as: eyar?

Or spell month as: mynth.

It may be better to look through the data and fix those spelling mistakes before
trusting anything that comes out of it.

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