COUNTIF & Criteria


David Lipetz

I'm using the SUMIF function to add numbers in a range that meet a given
criteria. The criteria I need to use is a range of numbers (>=1 and <=5, >=6
and <=10, etc).

While I have been able to perform this calculation by hard coding in the
parameters (">=1" and ">5" for example), I am unable to complete the formula
if I want to use cell references for the criteria.

Here is the whole formula that currently works by hard coding in the


In other words, I want to use >=G2 rather than >=1 and use >I2 rather than

How do I accomplish this?


Peo Sjoblom



otherwise excel sees it as you are looking for the text G2 and I2

David Lipetz

Thanks Peo! That worked, but now I have another problem.

I wanted to create this as an array formula so that the criteria is selected
from each row: G2 & I2, G3 & I3, and so forth. With the & in front of the
cell reference, it uses that same reference throughout the array.

Peo Sjoblom

I am not sure I understand, but maybe


needs to be array entered with ctrl + shift & enter

David Lipetz

Thanks again! The actual formula is:

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