I'm trying to get arround a problem with a PC that won't boot and has the error message...
Windows 2000 could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
I have tried renaming "system" to "system.old" and "system.alt" to "systemalt.old" then I tried copying from winnt\repair\ the system file to winnt\system32\config but no file exists in winnt\repair called "system" so obviously I cant get arround the problem using the official Microsoft solution.
The strange thing is that there is a file in the winnt\repair directory called "system.bak", when I try naming that to "system" and copying it into the winnt\system32\config directory I at least get a little further in that the machine boots and then blue screens after the win2000 logo screen has finished running the blue progress bars and gives me the error...
STOP Registry File Error
Reg Root\System32\config\SOFTWARE
Im further confused in that I have had 2 PC's in the space of a few days with the same problem, these are public access PC's in a Library but they should be protected by Deep Freeze, another thing that is odd is the file size of the System file and System.alt file as they are both 4128768 and yet the system.bak file that I found in winnt\repair is only 27402244 which makes me think some runaway process has caused the problem and the file is too large to load.
If anyone has the slightest idea what I'm talking about I would really appreciate any ideas.
Windows 2000 could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
I have tried renaming "system" to "system.old" and "system.alt" to "systemalt.old" then I tried copying from winnt\repair\ the system file to winnt\system32\config but no file exists in winnt\repair called "system" so obviously I cant get arround the problem using the official Microsoft solution.
The strange thing is that there is a file in the winnt\repair directory called "system.bak", when I try naming that to "system" and copying it into the winnt\system32\config directory I at least get a little further in that the machine boots and then blue screens after the win2000 logo screen has finished running the blue progress bars and gives me the error...
STOP Registry File Error
Reg Root\System32\config\SOFTWARE
Im further confused in that I have had 2 PC's in the space of a few days with the same problem, these are public access PC's in a Library but they should be protected by Deep Freeze, another thing that is odd is the file size of the System file and System.alt file as they are both 4128768 and yet the system.bak file that I found in winnt\repair is only 27402244 which makes me think some runaway process has caused the problem and the file is too large to load.
If anyone has the slightest idea what I'm talking about I would really appreciate any ideas.