Corrupted Folders on Windows XP reinstall



I backed up some folders with home movies (avi files) to my second partition
on my hard drive. I checked them and all was good. I then formated and
reinstalled Windows XP. When I go to check on these folders they are now
corrupt. There is other folders on that partition and they are fine. The
folders are now showing as unrecognizable files and I cannot access them.
Does anyone know how I can retreive the corrupted info.

Any help would be great.

Bert Kinney


Right click on the .avi file and select Open with then Windows Media


explain. You cant open the folder or you can open folder but cannot
play avi files? Does windows media player give you the error or no?


I am sorry for not enough clarification.

I kept all the avi files in a folder. It was named Home movies. The folder
itself turned into a file. I cannot access it now so I can only assume that
the movies I had inside the folder are gone ( hope not hope there is a way to
retrieve) The only description I see of it is that it is now a file,
instead of a folder and no sign of the files I had inside it.

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