copying tracked changes



Hi- I have a document in Word2002 that has tracked
changes. I want to copy a paragraph that has changes and
deletions in it to another new document. When I paste the
paragraph into the new document, the underlines and
strikethoughs are lost, and I only see the final version.
How can I copy it with the tracked changes showing in the
new document? (With the appropriate underlines and
striketroughs.) Thanks, Marty

Shauna Kelly

Hi Marty

The (entirely counter-intuitive) way is this. Turn off Track Changes (double-click the TRK in the status bar so that it is not
dark). Then copy. Then paste. In this way, your tracked changes will be copied.

If Track Changes if *on* when you copy, then Word *doesn't* copy the tracked changes.

Hope this helps.


Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.
Melbourne, Australia

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