Copying Table from one Sheet to Another



I just want to copy a small table from one sheet to another. Whenever
it is updated on the main sheet, it will also be automatically updated
on the second sheet. When I put it on the second sheet it will be in
a different area as well.

Can you do this without macros?

Thanks (I have ASAP utilities, but after fiddling with it all morning
I drew a blank.)

Per Jessen


Copy headings etc. from main sheet and paste in desired cells on
second sheet.

Select the first cell on second sheet which shall update automafically
and type in an equal sign, then use the mouse to point at the desired
cell on main sheet. Repeat the previous or drag the formula as

The formula will look like this: =Sheet1!A1

Hopes it helps.

Deepali Joshi


Select Original Table, Copy it

select the location from other sheet where you want to copy the table.

Click Edit-->Paste Special, from Paste Special dialog box, select All from
Paste options, and click on Paste Link button. This will paste the table in
other sheet in such a way that when you'll make changes in original sheet
that would get reflected in the other sheet.

I am sure, this will help you

Deepali Joshi


Select table from original worksheet. copy it. open another worksheet. click
on Edit Menu, select Paste Special. From Paste Special dialog box, click on
Paste Link button. It will paste the table in such a way that whenever you
make the changes in original table it would reflect the table in other

Definitely this would help you.


Thanks to all! I knew there was an easy way to do that, but I forgot
about paste link. Works perfectly.

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