Copying Regions with Filters/Hidden Columns

  • Thread starter Thread starter Maistrye
  • Start date Start date



I'm trying to copy a region which is has Hidden Columns. For example,
in my sheet, column C is hidden, and I'm trying to copy A1:E5 into
H1:L5. This works fine.

The problem occurs when I filter by a particular column. (Say A).

Now, when I copy A1:E5 into H1:L5, it's only copying 4 columns
(although it is copying all the rows).

Is there any way to avoid this? What am I doing incorrectly?

Here's the actual excerpt of my code.
Dim tSheet As Worksheet
Dim sSheet As Worksheet
Dim sCol As Long
Dim sRow As Long

Set tSheet = Worksheets("B")
Set sSheet = Worksheets("I")

sCol = 13
sRow = 4

sSheet.Range(sSheet.Cells(6, 2), sSheet.Cells(2505, 38)).Copy

With tSheet
Range(.Cells(sRow + 1, sCol + 1), .Cells(sRow + 2500, sCol +
37)).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, SkipBlanks:=False,
End With

Specifically, I'm ending up with 37 columns of data when I don't
filter, and 36 columns when I do filter (presumably because of the 1
hidden column).

Thanks in advance,
I didn't bother quoting everything, just one addendum.

I was mistaken when I said it was copying all the rows when I filtered.
It is only copying the visible range (the rest of the data was there
from before I filtered).

So basically, I would like to copy the entire range (not just what is
visible) when it is filtered by some criteria.

Any ideas?
