Copying List box values/selection to a database of sorts

Jun 26, 2017
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I found a way to copy from a list box to a cell range box. What I would like to do is, when a person selects a option from a list box each time, it will go to a master list as each one is selected. So at the end of a day/shift/run etc, I will have a populated list of items they picked from the list box. I was planning on making a report from this list during each production run. Whether its downtime reasons or scrap selections.
I'm limited on my vba knowledge, and wondered how difficult this is.
Thanks for any advice.
I too have limited VBA knowledge,try using nested if statements in excel , i created a production planning schedule for different raw material mixes, it works perfect for calling raw materials from stores and managing lead times.
You could get references about VBA from
But i have a question, Can we did these above operations "copy each value of list box to an other table" by using keyboard only?
If we can do all these operations with keyboard, we can simulate keyboard operations with VBS repeatedly.
If the keyboard simulation is not allowed, a VBA reference will be useful.
Using sendkeys method in VBS that we can simulate keyboard operation.

CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").SendKeys "^(C)" means press Ctrl+C
CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").SendKeys "{left}" means press <- arrow key