Copy Color Palette from Powerpoint to Excel?



Hi everyone :) Is there a way to copy the powerpoint palette that we've
created as our template into excel 2007?

Echo S

Yes. Choose File | Save as and select "Office Theme (*.THMX)" from the save
as type dropdown.

PPT should take you to the appropriate folder. If it doesn't, then save the
file here: C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application
Data\Microsoft\Templates\Document Themes

In Excel, go to Page Layout and click the Themes button. Your theme will
show up there. That will apply the same colors, fonts and effects that were
used in your PPT file to your Excel file.


thank you, I'll give it a try :)
Thank you in advance!!!!

Echo S said:
Yes. Choose File | Save as and select "Office Theme (*.THMX)" from the save
as type dropdown.

PPT should take you to the appropriate folder. If it doesn't, then save the
file here: C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application
Data\Microsoft\Templates\Document Themes

In Excel, go to Page Layout and click the Themes button. Your theme will
show up there. That will apply the same colors, fonts and effects that were
used in your PPT file to your Excel file.

What's new in PPT 2010?
Fixing PowerPoint Annoyances
PowerPoint 2007 Complete Makeover Kit

daisy said:
Hi everyone :) Is there a way to copy the powerpoint palette that we've
created as our template into excel 2007?

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