Copy and Paste slow..!


Tony G

Does anyone one know why to copy and paste in Vista is so very slow...???
I am really starting to think about selling my Vista and moving back to my
version of XP with all the quirks Vista is displaying..!


Lang Murphy

Tony G said:
Does anyone one know why to copy and paste in Vista is so very slow...???
I am really starting to think about selling my Vista and moving back to my
version of XP with all the quirks Vista is displaying..!


Known issue. One hopes it will be addressed with SP1.

I agree; it is extremely frustrating... the most frustrating aspect of Vista
for me. That said, everything else in Vista seems to be working jes' fine.
For me. So I am willing to endure the file copy issue in Vista until SP1. If
they don't fix that issue in SP1, then I guess I'll have to join the dark
side. ;-)


Synapse Syndrome

Lang Murphy said:
Known issue. One hopes it will be addressed with SP1.

I agree; it is extremely frustrating... the most frustrating aspect of
Vista for me. That said, everything else in Vista seems to be working jes'
fine. For me. So I am willing to endure the file copy issue in Vista until
SP1. If they don't fix that issue in SP1, then I guess I'll have to join
the dark side. ;-)

Vista has to be the first operating system ever made that has problems with
something as fundamental as copying files.


Chad Harris

Hi Tony G.--

As I've said over a hundred times--Steven Sinofsky, Windows Sr. VP is a guy
who has a stellar education, His reputation at Redmond is to get trains to
run on time, (he used to run Office programs, systems and servers
responsible for the product development of the 2007 Microsoft Office system,
Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft Office XP, and Microsoft Office 2000. and
led the design of the shared technologies in Microsoft Office 95 and
Microsoft Office 97, and what's ironic is he joined MSFT as a software
design engineer where he helped lead the development of the first versions
of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library for Microsoft Windows and
Microsoft Visual C++) with no regard as to how fast they will be off the
track once they start. Hence Vista RTM'd 6 months too early and now the
pigeons are rosting all over this group.

Having said that, which applies to many many bugs I know about in Vista, and
this problem is frequently reported, one of the most popular ways to copy is
over a wireless network; it's also one of the slowest--how much of a
component though that Vista actually is I'm not certain. Even when you're
not doing that, file copying can be ridiculously slow for a tiny file at
times even after you've done the due dilligence for speeding the pc that
people like Lang and SS have taught for years.

A couple things though on point that might help you speed file copying:

Get things out of the way that clog the road. Norton, McAfee and the pretty
worthless in the scheme of things Windows Defender are prime obstructions.
Disable Defender; get rid of the others if you have them. One Care will get
in the way less.

They have not been very speedy in generating some of the appropriate MSKBs
which I would be glad to write for them if they paid me, but they have one
on this problem with a purported "Hotfix" for what it's worth:

The copy process may stop responding when you try to copy files from a
server on a network to a Windows Vista-based computer

Try this. Open the Control panel (classic view). Selct Programs and
On the left select Turn windows features on and off.
Scroll down and untick Remote differential Compression.

Try running this command in an elevated command prompt (Type cmd in
search>right click when it comes up>run as admin):

netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

Good luck,



I wonder, didnt they see this before releasing the darn thing?
I mean, I saw it like after the first 5 mins of using it.. lol

Tony G

Hi Tony G.--

As I've said over a hundred times--Steven Sinofsky, Windows Sr. VP is a guy
who has a stellar education, His reputation at Redmond is to get trains to
run on time, (he used to run Office programs, systems and servers
responsible for the product development of the 2007 Microsoft Office system,
Microsoft Office 2003, Microsoft Office XP, and Microsoft Office 2000. and
led the design of the shared technologies in Microsoft Office 95 and
Microsoft Office 97, and what's ironic is he joined MSFT as a software
design engineer where he helped lead the development of the first versions
of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library for Microsoft Windows and
Microsoft Visual C++) with no regard as to how fast they will be off the
track once they start. Hence Vista RTM'd 6 months too early and now the
pigeons are rosting all over this group.

Having said that, which applies to many many bugs I know about in Vista, and
this problem is frequently reported, one of the most popular ways to copy is
over a wireless network; it's also one of the slowest--how much of a
component though that Vista actually is I'm not certain. Even when you're
not doing that, file copying can be ridiculously slow for a tiny file at
times even after you've done the due dilligence for speeding the pc that
people like Lang and SS have taught for years.

A couple things though on point that might help you speed file copying:

Get things out of the way that clog the road. Norton, McAfee and the pretty
worthless in the scheme of things Windows Defender are prime obstructions.
Disable Defender; get rid of the others if you have them. One Care will get
in the way less.

They have not been very speedy in generating some of the appropriate MSKBs
which I would be glad to write for them if they paid me, but they have one
on this problem with a purported "Hotfix" for what it's worth:

The copy process may stop responding when you try to copy files from a
server on a network to a Windows Vista-based computer

Try this. Open the Control panel (classic view). Selct Programs and
On the left select Turn windows features on and off.
Scroll down and untick Remote differential Compression.

Try running this command in an elevated command prompt (Type cmd in
search>right click when it comes up>run as admin):

netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

Good luck,


- Show quoted text -

An untick in Remote differential Compression definately seems to have
improved the copy and paste performance by 100 %. Much appreaciated.



Hi Tony,

If you remember the original Windows XP, you will recall that it too had a
number of issues that were addressed in patches and service packs. The one
that sticks in my mind is the support for hard drivers larger than 137GB
which was fixed in SP1. All computer software, be it for Windows or any other
operating system, is bound to have issues which need addressing through
patches and/or service packs. This applies to the operating system itself,
drivers and application software. As software becomes more complex, it
becomes virtually impossible to iron out all the bugs that might be present,
even through the feedback provided by Beta testers, and it is only when it is
released to the general public that some limitations of the software become
apparent. Constant feedback from these sources is what helps Microsoft, and
other software producers, develop patches and updates to fix the problems.
This situation is unlikely to change for the foreseeable future.

Lang Murphy

Tiberius said:
vista is the dark side...

with xp you will regain you soul

That sounds like one of Andre the Giant's lines from The Princess Bride. "I
am the Dread Pirate Roberts and I have COME FOR YOU SOUL!"


Lang Murphy

Synapse Syndrome said:
Vista has to be the first operating system ever made that has problems
with something as fundamental as copying files.


Cannot, will not, argue that point. Crazy.


Lang Murphy

Tiberius said:
I wonder, didnt they see this before releasing the darn thing?
I mean, I saw it like after the first 5 mins of using it.. lol

Me too. It is the single most astonishing failure of Vista, imho.


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