Copy all records matching "Text" criteria to new worksheet



I am trying to avoid having to learn Visual Basic to perform the following:


I am building a tool for "sales people" that are not very familiar with Excel.
Through an excel connector program I am able extract data from an external
database. Unfortunately, this query program is not able to get it to the
level that the user needs.

The average amount of records on a query is about 1,500. This is a complete
data dump of all the records of a user. I am trying to create a new
worksheet that contains only those records of a selected Industry. Industry
is one of the fields that are downloaded from the database dump.

I have played with the following functions:


I have also tried Pivot Tables and Advanced Filters. These are not working.
The first row of the data dump is above the header columns. This is a
limitation of the query program which requires that the query command be on
the first row. Therefore, the Header Columns are in the second row. I think
that is why Pivot Tables and Advanced Filters are not working.

When I use various combinations of the aforementioned functions, I can find
the first record of the occurance, but do not know how to incorporate an
offset variable from the first match into a function to locate the next match.

Is it possible to do the following?

* In the first cell of the target sheet, enter a function to locate the
first occurance and return the associated record/row (This is the easy part
that I have already done)
* Have a function in each following cell locate the next occurance and copy
the row over.

Thanks for any help or advise on this.


Does it need to be a new worksheet? If the only requirement is to view
the data you want, then data, filter, autofilter would do it

Ardus Petus

Automatic/Advanced filter is the evident solution.

Column headers may reside on any row.

I can't understand why this does not work by you.

Could you post sample data (or upload on and post the



Ardus and Aidan,

Thank you both for your responses. I am sorry it took so long to respond to
your advice. I have been away from my computer for a while. I will retry
the auto and advanced filter functions. If these don't work, I'll post
sample to the url that Ardus recommended.


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