Converting text files to Excel - a difficult one


sarah W

Hi friends

We have a situation where an elementary planning technique
software outputting all its strategic plans in to a word
document. I am trying to conver this in to an excel file
in order to design a database.

The output looks like this( I am giving only thee samples
1.1, 1.2 & 1.3 but the list consisits of 10 -15 plans).

1.1 Staff Training Plan -- Priority: A

The Purpose of this plan is: To have an operations team
that has the appropriate skills and abilities to perform

The Strategy for achieving this will be:
1) Prepare a brief report describing the specific skills
and knowledge required to operate the warehouse
Timeframe - by 15.07.04

2) Survey & briefly document the current level of relevent
skills each member of our team has
Timeframe - by 10.08.04

3) Prepare a schedule of training sessions necessary to
fill the skill gap
Timeframe - by 30.08.04

The Person or Position Responsible & Accountable for
delivering the above is:
1), 2) by DW
3) RD


1.2 Inventory Training Plan -- Priority: C

The Purpose of this plan is: To put in place systems to
ensure we have the right adequate stock level to meet most
demand situations without carrying uneconomical inventory

The Strategy for achieving this will be:
1) Prepare the appropriate RFP for a computer system to
meet this requirement
Timeframe - RFP received by end of October

2) Request a management decision
Timeframe - by end of 2004


1.3 Fast Turnaround Dispatch Plan -- Priority: B RH

The Purpose of this plan is: To be in a position to
provide delivery within 24 hours for a 90% of orders

The Strategy for achieving this will be:
1) Prepare a brief procedure manual covering each step of
the order-filling process
Timeframe - by 15.10.04

The Person or Position Responsible & Accountable for
delivering the above is:

I am planning to have excel headers
Plan No - 1.2, 1.2 1.3 etc
Plan Name:
Person Responsible

My problem is that I do not know the code to seperate out
text strings what I plan to have headers (plan Name),
Priority, purpose etc in to excel columns and list each
description under them in each row.
Can Somebody please tell me a code for this or point me to
an article which will help me to do this.


Sarah W



Since most of this has to do with Word, it would probably be a good
idea to ask this in the Word NG.

But first check if the word document contains any bookmarks (it may if
you're lucky => that will greatly simplify it's analysis.

That said.. if it comes from a software package..
it may be possible to use a different output or read the data directly
from the original app's database rather then parse the Word formatted

Check with the software vendor to see if thay have some way of reading
their data directly, or the format they use to store stuff.

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sarah W wrote :

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