Converting I-Tunes to MP3

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Greetings Group!

Does anyone know of a freeware for converting downloaded I-Tunes M4P files
into MP3 format? I would like to play my downloaded I-Tunes music in
Windows Media Player with the rest of my music collection.


Elaine Beauxrauxgart-Weiderhoff
As previously mentioned in the other thread that somehow I crossed, the links on the webpage you refered me to are no longer valid, and besides it seems like an awful lot to go through to convert the files. First of all, why would I want to do something like deauthorize and downgrade my I-tunes? Second, then I have to convert them with another download to be converted in another conversion tool? huh? And finally, after all that would the quility of the track remain the same?

Thanks anyway for your efforts, maybe someone else here has a more tangible method for going about this.

Oh my God..that gates-of-hell site really is in a state of hell.

As with DRM WMA's the burn and rip method works every time. Set up a
playlist in i-Tunes and move your protected MPEG-4's (.m4p) into it.
Right click on the playlist and select "Burn play list to Disc." Before
doing this change your Burn Settings in i-Tunes to Audio CD. I
recommend lowering the burn speed i.e., 16x to reduce errors. Then
import (change import setting) using i-Tunes MP3 Encoder. Enjoy your
new unprotected MP3's.
Like I said the only problem with the gatesofhell website is that the links
on it are dead!!!!

Like I said the only problem with the gatesofhell website is that the links
on it are dead!!!!

Would being referred to the ungrateful dead help? You're welcome


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Here's another suggestion Elaine: Try sprinkling some magic fairy dust
on your .m4p's. This might actually work in your fairytale world.