Convert text to number



I am using an input box to assign a number to a variable. e.g
EC = InputBox("Enter the number of the Position Description from the list
below." )

However, I think if the input is say 13, the variable stores this as a text
1. Am I correct in assuming this?
2. Can I convert this from text to a number with code?

Any assistance would be appreciated.

Gord Dibben

The number entered should be a number.

Sub qwer()
Dim asdf as Long
asdf = InputBox("enter a number")
Range("H1").Value = asdf
End Sub

H1 is number 13 after running the above and entering 13 in the inputbox.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Yes, the inputbox function returns text. If EC is declared as a numeric
type, vba would coerce the input to a number by itself.

Dim EC As Long
EC = Inputbox(....)

Or, you can explicitly convert the input
EC = Clng(Inputbox(..))

However, you would get an error if text was input that could not be
converted to numeric unless you tested it using IsNumeric first
Dim EC As Variant
EC = Inputbox(...)
If IsNumeric(EC) Then EC = Clng(EC)

Or use the Inputbox method, which allows you to specify the type of data
that can be input.
EC = Application.Inputbox(Prompt:="Input", Type:=1)

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