convert numbers in words



hi all,

i want to creat a function or macro which help me to convert a number diget
i words like
if numberis
then answer will appare as
Nine lack Ninety Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Only

Rick Rothstein

In the counting method you are using, what is the rule for using the word
"lack" in place of "hundred" in the hundred-thousand section of your number?
Is there any other rules we should know about (for example, if the number
were 999, would "lack" be used there)? How large a number do you need to be
able to do this functionality for? If bigger than the example number you
gave us, are there any other word substitution rules (like the "lack" for
"hundred" one) that need to be accounted for? Could there be decimal values
in your number? How should they be presented?

Gord Dibben

I think OP meant "lahk" which is an Indian currency equal to a great number
of rupees.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Gord Dibben

I was going to suggest Laurent Longre's MoreFunc add-in but I see his
NBText does not include Indian currency.


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