Converting Numbers from a given cell to English Words (Currency)



Dear All,

I have the SpellNumber macro from the following link,

It works fine. But, i want some modifications or alterations in the macro.

I need to use the macro for Indian Rupees. I have tried to edit the macro,
it doesn't work. It is designed for dollars and Cents. But, i want for
Rupees in place of Dollars and Paise in place of Cents.


Rs. 1,23,45,678.99

Given Amount can be classified as:

..99 = Ninety Nine Paise
8 = Ones
7 = Tens
6 = Hundreds
5 = Thousands
4 = Ten Thousands
3 = Lakhs
2 = Ten Lakhs
1 = Crore

It should be in the format:

Rupees One Crore Twenty Three Lakhs Forty Five Thousand Six Hundred Seventy
Eight and Ninety Nine Paise Only.

Can you'll help me to get this programming right.

Thanks a lot in advance,



Bob Phillips

on Explicit

Function SpellNumber(ByVal MyNumber, _
Optional incRupees As Boolean = True)
Dim Crores, Lakhs, Rupees, Paise, Temp
Dim DecimalPlace As Long, Count As Long
Dim myLakhs, myCrores

ReDim Place(9) As String
Place(2) = " Thousand ": Place(3) = " Million "
Place(4) = " Billion ": Place(5) = " Trillion "

' String representation of amount.
MyNumber = Trim(Str(MyNumber))

' Position of decimal place 0 if none.
DecimalPlace = InStr(MyNumber, ".")

' Convert Paise and set MyNumber to Rupees amount.
If DecimalPlace > 0 Then
Paise = GetTens(Left(Mid(MyNumber, DecimalPlace + 1) & "00", 2))
MyNumber = Trim(Left(MyNumber, DecimalPlace - 1))
End If
myCrores = MyNumber \ 10000000
myLakhs = (MyNumber - myCrores * 10000000) \ 100000
MyNumber = MyNumber - myCrores * 10000000 - myLakhs * 100000

Count = 1
Do While myCrores <> ""
Temp = GetHundreds(Right(myCrores, 3))
If Temp <> "" Then Crores = Temp & Place(Count) & Crores
If Len(myCrores) > 3 Then
myCrores = Left(myCrores, Len(myCrores) - 3)
myCrores = ""
End If
Count = Count + 1

Count = 1
Do While myLakhs <> ""
Temp = GetHundreds(Right(myLakhs, 3))
If Temp <> "" Then Lakhs = Temp & Place(Count) & Lakhs
If Len(myLakhs) > 3 Then
myLakhs = Left(myLakhs, Len(myLakhs) - 3)
myLakhs = ""
End If
Count = Count + 1

Count = 1
Do While MyNumber <> ""
Temp = GetHundreds(Right(MyNumber, 3))
If Temp <> "" Then Rupees = Temp & Place(Count) & Rupees
If Len(MyNumber) > 3 Then
MyNumber = Left(MyNumber, Len(MyNumber) - 3)
MyNumber = ""
End If
Count = Count + 1

Select Case Crores
Case "": Crores = ""
Case "One": Crores = " One Crore "
Case Else: Crores = Crores & " Crores "
End Select

Select Case Lakhs
Case "": Lakhs = ""
Case "One": Lakhs = " One Lakh "
Case Else: Lakhs = Lakhs & " Lakhs "
End Select

Select Case Rupees
Case "": Rupees = "Zero "
Case "One": Rupees = "One "
Case Else: Rupees = Rupees
End Select

Select Case Paise
Case "": Paise = " and Paise Zero Only "
Case "One": Paise = " and Paise One Only "
Case Else: Paise = " and Paise " & Paise & " Only "
End Select

SpellNumber = IIf(incRupees, "Rupees ", "") & Crores & Lakhs & Rupees &

End Function

' Converts a number from 100-999 into text
Function GetHundreds(ByVal MyNumber)
Dim Result As String
If Val(MyNumber) = 0 Then Exit Function
MyNumber = Right("000" & MyNumber, 3)
' Convert the hundreds place.
If Mid(MyNumber, 1, 1) <> "0" Then
Result = GetDigit(Mid(MyNumber, 1, 1)) & " Hundred "
End If
' Convert the tens and ones place.
If Mid(MyNumber, 2, 1) <> "0" Then
Result = Result & GetTens(Mid(MyNumber, 2))
Result = Result & GetDigit(Mid(MyNumber, 3))
End If
GetHundreds = Result
End Function

' Converts a number from 10 to 99 into text.
Function GetTens(TensText)
Dim Result As String
Result = "" ' Null out the temporary function value.
If Val(Left(TensText, 1)) = 1 Then ' If value between 10-19...
Select Case Val(TensText)
Case 10: Result = "Ten"
Case 11: Result = "Eleven"
Case 12: Result = "Twelve"
Case 13: Result = "Thirteen"
Case 14: Result = "Fourteen"
Case 15: Result = "Fifteen"
Case 16: Result = "Sixteen"
Case 17: Result = "Seventeen"
Case 18: Result = "Eighteen"
Case 19: Result = "Nineteen"
Case Else
End Select
Else ' If value between 20-99...
Select Case Val(Left(TensText, 1))
Case 2: Result = "Twenty "
Case 3: Result = "Thirty "
Case 4: Result = "Forty "
Case 5: Result = "Fifty "
Case 6: Result = "Sixty "
Case 7: Result = "Seventy "
Case 8: Result = "Eighty "
Case 9: Result = "Ninety "
Case Else
End Select
Result = Result & GetDigit _
(Right(TensText, 1)) ' Retrieve ones place.
End If
GetTens = Result
End Function

' Converts a number from 1 to 9 into text.
Function GetDigit(Digit)
Select Case Val(Digit)
Case 1: GetDigit = "One"
Case 2: GetDigit = "Two"
Case 3: GetDigit = "Three"
Case 4: GetDigit = "Four"
Case 5: GetDigit = "Five"
Case 6: GetDigit = "Six"
Case 7: GetDigit = "Seven"
Case 8: GetDigit = "Eight"
Case 9: GetDigit = "Nine"
Case Else: GetDigit = ""
End Select
End Function




(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


Mr. Bob Philips,

Thanks for valuable help. I have copied the code in VB module.

When i try to run it, it shows Compile error! Syntex Error in the following

SpellNumber = IIf(incRupees, "Rupees ", "") & Crores & Lakhs & Rupees &

Kindly correct it, has i don't know how to do it.



Bob Phillips

Mr Karan,

That is a common fault with these NGs, they break lines up and wrap some of
it onto the next row.

If you look at the code where it errors, you will see Paise on the next
line. That should be on the same line that you are getting the error, so cut
it and paste it there. It should be okay then.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)



Thank you so much !

It works superb and reduced my work immensely.

Whenever i turn to these forums, i have never been disappointed.

Its due to personel like you.



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