convert from fat32 to ntfs on XP Pro



If I try to convert from the fat32 file system to ntfs,
does this require a reformat, and will I loose data?

Thomas Wendell

No. Just run a command promt Start->Run cmd
enter convert c: /fs:ntfs

assuming it is c: you want to convert

of course, normal caveats about backups etc apply..

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Ron Martell

jeronimo said:
If I try to convert from the fat32 file system to ntfs,
does this require a reformat, and will I loose data?

The conversion is in effect a reformat, with the data preserved in

However Murphy's Law applies to computers, and therefore it is always
a good idea to have everything that is really important backed up.

Before doing the conversion read MVP Alex Nichol's article on this
subject at There is an
important preliminary step that you should take.

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service

"The reason computer chips are so small is computers don't eat much."

Bruce Chambers

jeronimo said:
If I try to convert from the fat32 file system to ntfs,
does this require a reformat, and will I loose data?

You can safely convert the partition to NTFS whenever desired,
without having to format the partition and reinstall everything. As
always when performing any serious changes, back up any important data
before proceeding, just in case. A little advance preparation is also
strongly recommended, so you can avoid any performance hits caused by
the default cluster size:

Converting FAT32 to NTFS in Windows


Bruce Chambers

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You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. - RAH


-----Original Message-----

You can safely convert the partition to NTFS whenever desired,
without having to format the partition and reinstall everything. As
always when performing any serious changes, back up any important data
before proceeding, just in case. A little advance preparation is also
strongly recommended, so you can avoid any performance hits caused by
the default cluster size:

Converting FAT32 to NTFS in Windows


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. - RAH

Thanks to you all. I shall try these suggestions soon.


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