Contacting an IMAP-Server using Outlook 2003


Rainer Haessner


the story behind is a little bit long, that's why I will try to reduce
the question.

It's a model system. Finally I don't intend to use an IMAP server, but
I believe
that I was able to track down my problem to this model system.

- two AD users (A and B)
- both in the same domain, both in the same OU
- both logged in at the same computer (of course sequentially)
- both using the same installed Outlook 2003
- both using the identical computer properties (especially DNS
- both try to access the same IMAP account
- the mentioned IMAP account is accessible by Thunderbird,
PegasusMail, Evolution
without problems

And now: A can access this IMAP account using Outlook without
any problem, B is able to contact the IMAP server (visible in the log
files), but the submitted credentials are not accepted. Outlook
asks for the password again and again and again ...

Of course I searched a little bit and found, that Outlook in the case
of B maybe presents an empty password to the IMAP server (I didn't
check this by myself).

I am trying to figure out, what might be the differences between the
accounts. I had a look into "application data" of the profile,
results visible for my eyes. I had a look into the registry.
there are only DWORD and BINARY entries for Outlook.

For the moment I would be very happy to know, at which places Outlook
configurational data. I would try to interchange them between the two



Rainer Haessner


after writing this article, I found the solution. Very easy, but
somewhat hidden.

The true reason was the password policy of the exchange server, which
I finally intend to use. That exchange server was a test installation
and not included in an already existing domain.

The default password policy for the only three test users was a
maximum lifetime of 42 days for the passwords. Because this was a
standalone server, there was no possibility to remind the user to
change the password. The reminder of Outlook simply is a timeout.

This timeout changes some until now unknown properties of Outlook. All
Outlook clients once a lifetime experienced the above mentioned
timeout are no longer able to receive IMAP email. I don't know the
reason for this, but I am able to reproduce this effect.

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