Constant Access 07 errors on network



We are experiencing the following errors with Access 2007 on a consistent

<path> not a valid path (Error 3044)
The MS Access database engine could not find the object <name> (Error 3011)
Action Failed Msg Box: OpenForm (Error 2950)

I have very limited Access experience and did not create this DB; however we
have other users in different DB's on the same network who get these messages
as well.

I've tried creating a UNC shortcut to the DB which hasn't helped. This DB
has a front-end/back-end design all located in the same directory with users
having full permissions.

This database was converted from a Lotus Approach database using the Access
conversion wizard. And is stored on a Novell file server with Novell Client
4.91 SP3 with client file caching turned off.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Sorry I don't have an answer, but have numerous similar problems. A couple
ideas on narrowing it down:

See if the problem is still there when you're sitting at the machine that
the db is resident on.

See if it relates to how the users are launching it. I.E. a shortcut,
double clicking the db file, or by first opening Access and then the file.
The latter circumvents (and helps point to) a few issues.

Believe it or frigin' not, I have seen default settings in Internet Explorer
(which we don't even use!) interfere with ability of shortcuts (with targets
across the network) to work, and changing IE settings fixed it.


Thanks for the reply, however I believe we are having a differnet type of

1. The DB resides on a file server, not a specific machine
2. I created a shortcut for the users to double-click from their desktops
which has UNC paths to the DB on the server
3. Not sure how IE7 would interfear, but willing to try it; which setting
should I look at?
4. The DB is running from a Trusted Location via the KB article that
references one of the error codes I posted as well.


I don't have much to add except to comment on your #1 and to answer your #3.

#1 I figured it was some kind of a server, but was assuming that it's still
a PC and to sit at it locally. The you know for sure whether or not it's
network related.

#3 In our case it's IE6, not IE7...(we switched to FireFox and no longer
use IE) a MS "update" broke the shortcuts. Here my note that I wrote to
myself on it: "Believe it or not, this problem arises from Windows using
IE settings! Go to IE->Tools-> Internet Options -> Security -> Local
Intranet -> Sites and uncheck "Automatically detect intranet network" "

I have no frigin' clue what the problem is/was or why that fixes it, but
this has solved the problem 15 times on 15 XP machines at three locations.
Again, the symptoms are different than yours so this might be just irrelevant
but interesting.

Good luck!



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