Connection to Exchange Server is unavailable...



Using Exchange server 03. On a new desktop machine XP PRO with Outlook 2003,
we have created two profiles, attached to Echange Svr email accounts for
All's well there. Created another account - cannot configure email for this
acct. We get msg "Connection to Exchange Server is unavailable. Outlook
must be online or connected to complete this action." Server name, acct
name, etc etc etc all seem to be correct. Suggestions?? (also get same
message when selecting the "check name" on dialoge that asks for server name
and user name) Thanx

neo [mvp outlook]

The Outlook 2003 client would have to connect to a global catalog server in
order to verify the userid typed in. I would verify that the GCs that
Exchange references the users to are in good working order.


I've been through that one myself. Most likely you will need to open the
"mail" control panel and enter your configurations for each profile. If your
Exchange Server issues certificates you will need to download and install the
certificate. When your settings are done close out the forms, (restart?),
reopen the control panel, select your profile, hit the "change" button, and
hit the "check name" button to verify that your connection is going to work.

Yes, clumsy- but after all, it's Microsoft...

Hope this helps!

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