Jason Collins
I'm finding that even when pooling=false, a connection remains in my
connection pool connected to my database (it seems to quite quickly timeout
though - say 30 seconds).
My connection string:
Initial Catalog=Benji_UnitTest;Data Source=.;Integrated
Using this setting, I would expect that a new connection be created
everytime, and that when the SqlConnection is close()'d (i.e., returned to
the "pool") that the underlying database connection would be closed.
I also tried setting ";Connection Lifetime=1" in order to get the connection
to close quickly (as a worksround); this didn't seem to affect any change.
Am I misunderstanding something?
connection pool connected to my database (it seems to quite quickly timeout
though - say 30 seconds).
My connection string:
Initial Catalog=Benji_UnitTest;Data Source=.;Integrated
Using this setting, I would expect that a new connection be created
everytime, and that when the SqlConnection is close()'d (i.e., returned to
the "pool") that the underlying database connection would be closed.
I also tried setting ";Connection Lifetime=1" in order to get the connection
to close quickly (as a worksround); this didn't seem to affect any change.
Am I misunderstanding something?