Condition formating



Been trying to get a condition formating to work, using 2007, trying to get
the cell to turn red if greater than 0 the problem is that there is a formula
in this cell that means the cell thinks it's greater than 0 so always is red,
how do I fix this problem.


Bob Phillips

The grouping facility has a Years option just as it has a Months option.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

David Biddulph

Well, you haven't told us what condition you are using for your conditional
formatting, and you haven't told us what the formula in the cell is doing,
so you are relying on contributors to the group using a lot of guess-work or
extra-sensory perception. Would like to give us a few clues to narrow
things down a bit?

If, by any chance, you have a formula that is returning an empty string "",
and your CF is merely looking for A1>0, you could change the latter to
Formula Is =AND(A1<>"",A1>0)


That was what I needed
Thankyou very much

David Biddulph said:
Well, you haven't told us what condition you are using for your conditional
formatting, and you haven't told us what the formula in the cell is doing,
so you are relying on contributors to the group using a lot of guess-work or
extra-sensory perception. Would like to give us a few clues to narrow
things down a bit?

If, by any chance, you have a formula that is returning an empty string "",
and your CF is merely looking for A1>0, you could change the latter to
Formula Is =AND(A1<>"",A1>0)


From my last blank post you should be able to get a pretty good idea of my
computing abilities. My question should have been:

I too am attempting to get a cell to change its background color based upon
its relationship to another cell. If the projected annual number of injuries
is greater than the previous 3 - year average, then I would like the cell to
be red. If we are doing better and it is projected that we will experience
fewer incidents, then I would like the cell to change to green. The
projection changes on a daily basis. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Nevermind. I looked back through a couple days on this site and
voila...there was the answer.

David Biddulph

If the cell you are trying to format is the one which contains the projected
annual number of injuries, and if the cell which contains the previous
3-year average is B2, then
Format/ Conditional Formatting/ Cell Value Is/ greater than/ =B2/ Format...
/ Patterns/ and choose your red colour.
Add>> / Cell Value Is/ less than/ =B2/ Format... / Patterns/ and choose your
green colour.

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