Complicated query

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I run training courses for a number of different companies/employers. I am
very, very new to Access. My database consists of a table called ‘All
Details’ containing (among others) the following fields: Employer Name,
Trainee Name, Course 1, C1 Start Date, Course 2, C2 Start Date, Course 3, C3
Start Date, Course 4, C4 Start Date, Course 5, C5 Start Date. I have a form,
based on that table, where each Trainee's details are entered. Other tables
are: ‘Employer List’, and ‘Course List’. Employees from any Company can have
done any of 22 courses in any one of the five ‘course slots’. I need to make
forms which will show: all of the courses we have run for a particular
employer; to show which trainees (from all employers in total) have done a
particular course; and to show how often we have run particular courses.
After countless hours, I'm at my wits end. Can anyone help?
runandrun said:
I run training courses for a number of different companies/employers.
I am very, very new to Access. My database consists of a table called
'All Details' containing (among others) the following fields:
Employer Name, Trainee Name, Course 1, C1 Start Date, Course 2, C2
Start Date, Course 3, C3 Start Date, Course 4, C4 Start Date, Course
5, C5 Start Date. I have a form, based on that table, where each
Trainee's details are entered. Other tables are: 'Employer List', and
'Course List'. Employees from any Company can have done any of 22
courses in any one of the five 'course slots'. I need to make forms
which will show: all of the courses we have run for a particular
employer; to show which trainees (from all employers in total) have
done a particular course; and to show how often we have run
particular courses. After countless hours, I'm at my wits end. Can
anyone help?

With just a quick look, it looks like a poor table design.

Without really knowing your structure, I would guess you need:

Trainee Table
Trainee information Links to Employer Tabel

Employer Table
Employer Information

Course Table
Course information

Schedule Table
List of events with the start date and links to the Trainee Table.

This process is called normalization and if you get this right first, it
will make the rest a lot easier.
Thanks Joseph - I was hoping no-one would say this - it's taken me days to
get to where I am and I don't relish starting all over again. However, you're
absolutely right, I need to get the basic structure right - oh well, back to
the drawing board.
runandrun said:
Thanks Joseph - I was hoping no-one would say this - it's taken me
days to get to where I am and I don't relish starting all over again.
However, you're absolutely right, I need to get the basic structure
right - oh well, back to the drawing board.

Better now than later. Trust me, I know from personal experience. I
tend to learn the hard way.
As Joesph indicated, you should spend some time gaining an understanding of
database design and normalization before attempting to build something in
Access (or any RDBMS software for that matter). Here are some links to get
you started. Don't underestimate the importance of gaining a good
understanding of database design. Brew a good pot of tea or coffee and enjoy
(See the last download titled "Understanding Normalization")

Also recommended: Find the copy of Northwind.mdb that is probably already
installed on your hard drive. Study the relationships between the various
tables (Tools > Relationships...)

Here is a link to Access MVP Jeff Conrad's site for database design papers.
You'll find tons of links of Jeff's site:

Also, since you are new to Access, I encourage you to start your experience
by using good naming conventions and avoiding the use of reserved words:

Special characters that you must avoid when you work with Access databases

Commonly used naming conventions

Using a Naming Convention

Reserved Words in Microsoft Access

List of reserved words in Jet 4.0



Thanks Joseph - I was hoping no-one would say this - it's taken me days to
get to where I am and I don't relish starting all over again. However, you're
absolutely right, I need to get the basic structure right - oh well, back to
the drawing board.
Many thanks for this, Tom. I thought I was doing quite well, but can now see
that I was building on very shaky foundations. The thing that's driving me
crazy is that despite many efforts I have not yet managed to get one single
relationship to work. For example, I've got a table which lists training
courses I've run. This table includes details of the course (title, start
date, etc) and details of the candidates on the course (surname and first
initial). I've got another table which lists details of all trainees
including, among others, surname, first initial and National Insurance
number. I've tried to relate the two tables so that the form I use to
complete details of the course (via a query) automatically fills in the NI
number when I insert the candidates name and initial. It doesn't work and I'm
blowed if I can work out why. I'll keep trying.
I've read, absorbed and inwardly digested the info from the links you sent
me - so can now see the errors in my previous reply (please ignore it)! I've
now got separate, normalised tables for Trainees (TraineeID; Surname;
FirstInitial; DoB; NationalInsuranceNo) for Courses (CourseID; CourseTitle),
and for CoursesRun (CourseRunID; CourseNo (taken from CourseID); StartDate;
EndDate). What do I do next? (I want to be able to say that certain trainees
took certain courses - some trainees will have taken several courses, all
courses are taken by several trainees). Hope you don't mind helping. Thanks
in anticipation.
Hello -
I've now got separate, normalised tables for Trainees (TraineeID; Surname; FirstInitial;
DoB; NationalInsuranceNo) for Courses (CourseID; CourseTitle), and for CoursesRun
(CourseRunID; CourseNo (taken from CourseID); StartDate; EndDate). What do I do
next? (I want to be able to say that certain trainees took certain courses - some trainees
will have taken several courses, all courses are taken by several trainees).

Have you set the TraineeID, CourseID and CourseRunID as primary keys in
their respective tables? Also, what data type(s) did you use for these three
fields? The CoursesRun table can serve as the join (aka. junction, linking,
or intersection) table. You need to add TraineeID as a foreign key field to
the CoursesRun table. I recommend naming it fkTraineeID (the "fk" reinforces
the idea that this is a foreign key). Likewise, I usually always prefix my
primary key fields with a lowercase "pk", as in pkTraineeID, but that's just
me. Each person has their own style.

When you add the TraineeID (or fkTraineeID) field to the CoursesRun (or
tblCoursesRun) table, it must be the same data type as the corresponding
TraineeID (or pkTraineeID) field in the Trainees (or tblTrainees) table. If
you used an autonumber primary key for TraineeID in the Trainees table, then
you must select Number, with the default Long Integer field size, as the data
type for the foreign key. The reason is that an autonumber field is a long
integer data type.

You then create two one-to-many (1:M) relationships, as follows:

(1) pkTraineeID ---> (many) fkTraineeID and
(1) pkCourseID ---> (many) fkCourseID

Thus, your CoursesRun table should have the many side of two 1:M
relationships. You have now defined what is known as a many-to-many (M:N)
relationship between Trainees and Courses. M:N relationships are modeled by
using two 1:M relationships with a third table.



I've read, absorbed and inwardly digested the info from the links you sent
me - so can now see the errors in my previous reply (please ignore it)! I've
now got separate, normalised tables for Trainees (TraineeID; Surname;
FirstInitial; DoB; NationalInsuranceNo) for Courses (CourseID; CourseTitle),
and for CoursesRun (CourseRunID; CourseNo (taken from CourseID); StartDate;
EndDate). What do I do next? (I want to be able to say that certain trainees
took certain courses - some trainees will have taken several courses, all
courses are taken by several trainees). Hope you don't mind helping. Thanks
in anticipation.


As Joesph indicated, you should spend some time gaining an understanding of
database design and normalization before attempting to build something in
Access (or any RDBMS software for that matter). Here are some links to get
you started. Don't underestimate the importance of gaining a good
understanding of database design. Brew a good pot of tea or coffee and enjoy
(See the last download titled "Understanding Normalization")

Also recommended: Find the copy of Northwind.mdb that is probably already
installed on your hard drive. Study the relationships between the various
tables (Tools > Relationships...)

Here is a link to Access MVP Jeff Conrad's site for database design papers.
You'll find tons of links of Jeff's site:

Also, since you are new to Access, I encourage you to start your experience
by using good naming conventions and avoiding the use of reserved words:

Special characters that you must avoid when you work with Access databases

Commonly used naming conventions

Using a Naming Convention

Reserved Words in Microsoft Access

List of reserved words in Jet 4.0



Thanks Joseph - I was hoping no-one would say this - it's taken me days to
get to where I am and I don't relish starting all over again. However, you're
absolutely right, I need to get the basic structure right - oh well, back to
the drawing board.
Hi Tom.
Again, many thanks. Your reply came through just as I was finishing a more
detailed version of the question (based on your previous help). What you've
said here looks like it will be very helpful - I'm going to try it now (I'm
using 'ID' as a sort of suffix to indicate Primary Keys, incidentally). In
the interim, though, I've appended the more detailed question below - do you
think that what you have suggested will fit this scenario - I'm thinking of
the data I'm trying to extract.

Here's the question:
Many thanks to Joseph Meehan and Tom Wickerath for getting me this far - but
I need a little more help. Thanks to Tom, I now have a normalised table
called 'tblCoursesRun' with fields, CoursesRunID (PK field); CourseID;
CourseTitle; CourseStart; CourseEnd; TrainerID; AssessorID; TraineeID. A
table called 'tblCourses' with fields, CourseID (PK); CourseTitle. A third
table called tblCandidateDetails with fields, CandidateID (PK); Surname;
FirstInitial; DoB; NationalInsuranceNumber. I have managed to set up a query,
called qryCoursesRun, which combines CoursesRun with Courses, but can't find
a way to combine CandidateDetails with it. I think I need a 'many-to-many'
relationship because I have many candidates doing many courses, and many
courses each with many candidates. Can anyone help with this - I'm a beginner
and just cannot work it out?
Oh - I should mention I want be able to extract the following data, 'All
Courses completed by This Trainee', 'All Trainees on this Course', and 'All
Trainees doing this Training' (ie all trainees who have completed this same
course at different times). Many thanks in anticipation.

I realise I'm taking up a lot of your time - I do appreciate it.
Hi Mike,
I'm using 'ID' as a sort of suffix to indicate Primary Keys, incidentally
That's fine, but it looks like you are using the same suffix in
tblCoursesRun for four other fields as well: CourseID, TrainerID, AssessorID,
and TraineeID. Most likely, these are foreign key fields:

CourseID relates to CourseID (PK) in tblCourses
TrainerID relates to ??
AssessorID relates to ??
TraineeID relates to CandidateID in tblCandidateDetails (I think, based on
your description)

It looks like you slipped CourseTitle into the tblCoursesRun table, but this
field is already present in tblCourses. That represents storing the same data
in more than one table, which is generally a "no-no", unless you need to
maintain a historical record. You should probably delete this field from your
junction table: tblCoursesRun.

Examples of maintaining historical records include recording the ship to
address in an Orders table, even though the same address is present in a
customers table. If the customer later moves, the information your database
produces will still be accurate, because you'll be able to tell exactly which
address a given order was shipped to. Another example is seen in the
Northwind sample database: UnitPrice is stored in the Products table and in
the Order Details table. This allows Northwind Traders to later change
prices, without affecting calculated sales for orders that have already been

I suggest renaming TrainerID to fkInstructorID. To me, TrainerID and
TraineeID just sound too similar, and it would be easy to get them mixed up.
Of course, fkInstructorID needs to be related to pkInstructorID in
tblInstructors, but I haven't seen any mention of such a table yet. I'm not
sure what AssessorID refers to; this was the first time you mentioned this
Oh - I should mention I want be able to extract the following data,....
Everything you listed should be very easy with the proper design that you
are close to having now!

By the way, there is a separate Tables Design newsgroup that you might want
to post design related questions to. There's also separate groups for
queries, forms, reports, etc.



Hi Tom.
Again, many thanks. Your reply came through just as I was finishing a more
detailed version of the question (based on your previous help). What you've
said here looks like it will be very helpful - I'm going to try it now (I'm
using 'ID' as a sort of suffix to indicate Primary Keys, incidentally). In
the interim, though, I've appended the more detailed question below - do you
think that what you have suggested will fit this scenario - I'm thinking of
the data I'm trying to extract.

Here's the question:
Many thanks to Joseph Meehan and Tom Wickerath for getting me this far - but
I need a little more help. Thanks to Tom, I now have a normalised table
called 'tblCoursesRun' with fields, CoursesRunID (PK field); CourseID;
CourseTitle; CourseStart; CourseEnd; TrainerID; AssessorID; TraineeID. A
table called 'tblCourses' with fields, CourseID (PK); CourseTitle. A third
table called tblCandidateDetails with fields, CandidateID (PK); Surname;
FirstInitial; DoB; NationalInsuranceNumber.

I have managed to set up a query,
called qryCoursesRun, which combines CoursesRun with Courses, but can't find
a way to combine CandidateDetails with it. I think I need a 'many-to-many'
relationship because I have many candidates doing many courses, and many
courses each with many candidates. Can anyone help with this - I'm a beginner
and just cannot work it out?

Oh - I should mention I want be able to extract the following data, 'All
Courses completed by This Trainee', 'All Trainees on this Course', and 'All
Trainees doing this Training' (ie all trainees who have completed this same
course at different times). Many thanks in anticipation.

I realise I'm taking up a lot of your time - I do appreciate it.



Hello -
I've now got separate, normalised tables for Trainees (TraineeID; Surname; FirstInitial;
DoB; NationalInsuranceNo) for Courses (CourseID; CourseTitle), and for CoursesRun
(CourseRunID; CourseNo (taken from CourseID); StartDate; EndDate). What do I do
next? (I want to be able to say that certain trainees took certain courses - some trainees
will have taken several courses, all courses are taken by several trainees).

Have you set the TraineeID, CourseID and CourseRunID as primary keys in
their respective tables? Also, what data type(s) did you use for these three
fields? The CoursesRun table can serve as the join (aka. junction, linking,
or intersection) table. You need to add TraineeID as a foreign key field to
the CoursesRun table. I recommend naming it fkTraineeID (the "fk" reinforces
the idea that this is a foreign key). Likewise, I usually always prefix my
primary key fields with a lowercase "pk", as in pkTraineeID, but that's just
me. Each person has their own style.

When you add the TraineeID (or fkTraineeID) field to the CoursesRun (or
tblCoursesRun) table, it must be the same data type as the corresponding
TraineeID (or pkTraineeID) field in the Trainees (or tblTrainees) table. If
you used an autonumber primary key for TraineeID in the Trainees table, then
you must select Number, with the default Long Integer field size, as the data
type for the foreign key. The reason is that an autonumber field is a long
integer data type.

You then create two one-to-many (1:M) relationships, as follows:

(1) pkTraineeID ---> (many) fkTraineeID and
(1) pkCourseID ---> (many) fkCourseID

Thus, your CoursesRun table should have the many side of two 1:M
relationships. You have now defined what is known as a many-to-many (M:N)
relationship between Trainees and Courses. M:N relationships are modeled by
using two 1:M relationships with a third table.



I've read, absorbed and inwardly digested the info from the links you sent
me - so can now see the errors in my previous reply (please ignore it)! I've
now got separate, normalised tables for Trainees (TraineeID; Surname;
FirstInitial; DoB; NationalInsuranceNo) for Courses (CourseID; CourseTitle),
and for CoursesRun (CourseRunID; CourseNo (taken from CourseID); StartDate;
EndDate). What do I do next? (I want to be able to say that certain trainees
took certain courses - some trainees will have taken several courses, all
courses are taken by several trainees). Hope you don't mind helping. Thanks
in anticipation.


As Joesph indicated, you should spend some time gaining an understanding of
database design and normalization before attempting to build something in
Access (or any RDBMS software for that matter). Here are some links to get
you started. Don't underestimate the importance of gaining a good
understanding of database design. Brew a good pot of tea or coffee and enjoy
(See the last download titled "Understanding Normalization")

Also recommended: Find the copy of Northwind.mdb that is probably already
installed on your hard drive. Study the relationships between the various
tables (Tools > Relationships...)

Here is a link to Access MVP Jeff Conrad's site for database design papers.
You'll find tons of links of Jeff's site:

Also, since you are new to Access, I encourage you to start your experience
by using good naming conventions and avoiding the use of reserved words:

Special characters that you must avoid when you work with Access databases

Commonly used naming conventions

Using a Naming Convention

Reserved Words in Microsoft Access

List of reserved words in Jet 4.0



Thanks Joseph - I was hoping no-one would say this - it's taken me days to
get to where I am and I don't relish starting all over again. However, you're
absolutely right, I need to get the basic structure right - oh well, back to
the drawing board.
Hi Tom.
Apologies for lack of clarity - yes, those four ID suffixes are all foreign
key fields. To try to keep things relatively uncomplicated in the question I
omitted to mention my tables tblTrainer (TrainerID; Trainer) and tblAssessor
(AssessorID; Assessor). CourseTitle slipped into the question, but wasn't
actually in tblCoursesRun. I'll take your advice and rename TrainerID to
InstructorID - can't see the wood for the trees, sometimes. OK - back to it.
Hi Mike,

Starting with a good solid design is the first step to success.

Good Luck on your application.



Hi Tom.
Apologies for lack of clarity - yes, those four ID suffixes are all foreign
key fields. To try to keep things relatively uncomplicated in the question I
omitted to mention my tables tblTrainer (TrainerID; Trainer) and tblAssessor
(AssessorID; Assessor). CourseTitle slipped into the question, but wasn't
actually in tblCoursesRun. I'll take your advice and rename TrainerID to
InstructorID - can't see the wood for the trees, sometimes. OK - back to it.